Sixteen (the wedding)

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A/N OKAY so this chapter is the wedding!! A brief note beforehand though, a lot of quotes (like the shortened speech) are directly from the show, so most of the credit for this chapter should go to those responsible for the writing and publishing of Sherlock. I also decided to take out the Mayfly Man case, as I couldn't seem to get it right- please don't murder me.


"So it's the big day, then!" Mrs. Hudson said cheerfully to Sherlock Holmes, sitting across from him in John's armchair.

"Hmm? What big day?" Sherlock asked annoyedly.

"It's the wedding!" Mrs. Hudson said defensively.

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Right, so two people who currently live together are going to attend church, have a party, go on a short vacation, and then carry on living together. Doesn't sound too important,"

"Marriage changes people, Sherlock," Mrs. Hudson insisted.

Sherlock's face twisted into something that looked mildly like disgust and waved her off. He looked around the apartment, successfully changing the subject, "where is Lilly?"

Mrs. Hudson sighed, "she said yesterday Sherlock, she's with Molly, getting ready for the wedding. She isn't coming here today,"

"Molly? Molly Hooper?"

"Yes, she told you last night," Mrs. Hudson reminded.

"When did they start- hanging out?" he spoke like the words left a bitter taste on his tongue.

"Well I think it's nice that they're getting along, Sherlock. Such sweet young women, I don't know why they hang around with you," she teased.

Sherlock scoffed, "I'm wonderful company,"

Mrs. Hudson just shook her head and laughed, saying something about dishes that needed washing and disappearing down the stairs.

Sherlock, alone once again, went into his bedroom and stared at the suit hanging on his wardrobe door. He let out a breath and grabbed it, dressing like a knight in his armor before battle. When he was finished, he studied his reflection in the mirror, prepared for whatever this dreadful day could bring.


The Watson's held their wedding at a beautiful church on an even more beautiful spring day. The guests were dressed mostly in pastels, all very excited to attend the wonderful event. Sherlock stood proudly next to John at the alter, and when Mary walked down the aisle, he even showed a little smile.

Lilly sat in he third row, with Gregory Lestrade to her left, and Molly Hooper to her right. She wore the blue sundress Mary had picked for her all those months before and kept her hair pinned back. She smiled brightly at Mary as the bride walked down the aisle gracefully and listened happily as the two exchanged vows.

When the ceremony was over, the party was brought outside where many pictures were taken and drinks served. As guests chatted merrily, Lilly tried making her way to the newly weds.

"Lilly!" John said happily when he caught sight of her.

"Hello John, Mary. Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony," Lilly said, both Mary and John taking turns to embrace her.

And then there was three; a Sherlock FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now