(Assassin) Nagisa x (Target) Reader

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Nagisa A/N: Whenever I change point of views I will leave the name bold

She's my target?! I can't believe it. They want me to kill my ex girlfriend Y/n. I cheated on her with Kayano and I feel regret. It is all my fault that she is like this. Y/n has become a mass murderer and killing all girls who cross her path. If I could just turn back time and always be by her side then maybe she would still be mine. I still love her. I can't just kill her can I? No I can't she was the only one in the entire classroom who helped my realize who I really am. I will just fake her death.

He is hear. I can sense his presence. I hate him. I want to kill him but I can't he is the only one who can free me from this pain. I bet he has to kill me. It's not my fault that I want to kill every girl that a guy cheated with. It's all his. He gave me the purpose to do this. Wait.He is getting closer.

I can see her hiding up in that tree. She is a more beautiful in person than in the picture. Her h/c  flowing with the wind while her e/c eyes matching with the moon. I still love her. I want her back.

No one

"Y/n, we need to talk"

"And why would I talk to you when you are just gonna kill me?"

"Look Y/n I'm not gonna kill you, I just want to talk please"

"Fine. But I'll have you know if you kill me I will haunt you for the rest of your life"

"O-okay. Look Y/n they want me to kill you but I can't"

"Why? So you can just tell me how much you regret cheating on me?! Huh! Liar"

"Of course I regret it. Y/n I still love you!"


"No! Y/n I love you I will prove it!"


Nagisa kissed Y/n and as he separated he hugged her and told her he loves her. After that Y/n changed and joined Nagisa in assassination.

I got lazy.

Assassination Classroom OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora