Gakushu x Reader

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Idk how to spell his name.....To the story!
It was another lame boring day in the A-class. You were the second best student right next to Gakushu. You actually had these feeling for him. The problem was he never knew you. During classes you would mostly stare at him and not even pay attention while the teacher is talking. Luckily you already knew all those stuff. One day you were assigned to work on a project with him. When the teacher paired him up with you he had no clue who you were so the teacher had to point you out. As he walks up to you he waves and mouths sorry.
"Sorry I did not really know you"
"It's okay I don't talk that much"
"Aren't you like second in the school?"
"Cool. I guess this will be easy. So let's just hang it probably won't take to long"
It was an amazing day. Gakushu was really sweet. (I know he is ooc). You both went to his house and it was huge! You easily finished the project so you decided to go home but a hand stopped you.
"Hey Y/n I had so much fun today"
"Me too"
" I know we just met but I wanna hang with you more but not as friends"
"W-what do you mean"
"You are pretty smart and kind will you be my girlfriend?"
Without a warning Gakushu kissed you. It was a very passionate kiss and soon it turned out into a make out session. When it was over you went home and went on a date the next day.

Pretty lame. Other stories I will right
- (cheater) Karma x (broken) reader
- Human Koro-Sensei x Reader (contains spoiler for those who did not watch it yet)
- Maehara x Reader
-  (Assassin) Nagisa x (Target) Reader
- Isogai x Reader
- Chiba x Reader

Assassination Classroom OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora