Chpt One

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So it might be a bit short but expect another chapter by tomorrow!! Give it a read please :) xx


If i haven't formally introduced myself, it's only cause i remembered my name three days ago, my first name that is and I'm stuck wondering around trying to piece together what happened to me a week ago still. I mean am i dead? Everyone i talk to can't hear or see me but i can strangely feel myself, see my reflection however i haven't felt the need for food or water. I can't give up though, not yet that is.

That's when it happened, i was sitting at this bench close to the seaside and usually people walk by and glance around at the scenery; it's so picturesque, but this guy was staring at me, for the first time in days i was recognized, the feeling was amazing. However just as i proceeded to wave at him as if to get his attention, a bunch of idiots ran by and he was gone instantly. What the hell just happened? If i thought things were weird before, little did i know this would occur, it was reality slapping me in the face again. 

YOU AREN'T NORMAL Millie... That little voice in my head would remind me of over and over again.

Time to find somewhere comfier to rest, i can't go back to my dorm, that is old dorm even though all my belongings are still there. Apparently the university locked it for investigation and the police have hope i'll return. Can you believe they've branded me as a missing person? Gives me hope that maybe, just maybe i can turn back up!

Wait, isn't that the same boy from the beach? "HEY YOU THERE STOP!" i shouted, knowing only he would hear me, but he quickened his pace, by now i could barely keep up. I swear creepy alley ways are so cliche, but it's not like i can be killed right? Might as well follow. On turning the corner i collided with this body for the first time in a while, looks like today was going to be good, maybe i could get some answers. "Stop following me, what are you a dog?" he snapped, i was appalled by this rude outburst. "Excuse me" i said, adding "I will have you know i am certainly not a dog, i just want to know why you can see me and no one else can and while you're at it, can you let go of my hand please."

Was he laughing? Really now...

"I'm just making sure you don't lunge at me sweetheart and we have a lot in common cause you can see me too"  he replied. "Well what are you?" i asked trying to lighten the mood, obviously a nice approach might get me some answers.

"What am i? What are you is the question!" he chuckled.

"For starters, my name is Millie and i'd say i'm a human but that might be a lie" i retorted.

"Well my name's Spencer and i can clearly see you aren't fully human, you have no shadow and if you were observant i have none either" he said.

"Oh my gosh, you're right" i stuttered, i could feel my forehead creasing in thought., wow i never realised that.

"Anyways i hate to cut you short Millie, but i've got to go, it's getting dark soon and well feel free to join me or you can wait for them to find you" he harshly stated.

"Them? What are you talking about" i asked.

Spencer's quick reply was "I'll explain later, we have to go now."

Looks like i was finally getting some answers, God knows i needed them and Spencer seemed trustworthy so i decided to join him, not like i had anywhere else important to be, surely not a party or date, nothing a normal young adult would probably have and yet again i felt that emptiness inside, like you've lost something that meant so much to you.



Okay so feel free to comment/like/vote whatever you want :) I feel like i can actually work with this compared to my other projects that are probably outdated by now. It's been a busy year xxx

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