❤️Thinking of her❤️

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//lol first story, I'm sorry if I make any mistakes. This is my favorite couple (up there with scarlet vision and kiane) XD//

*It has been 2 weeks since the turtles came back from space, well 16 days to be exact. Raphael would know, he's been counting. As the days go by, it seems like months and all he can think about is Mona Lisa. He can't help but wonder if he'll ever be able to see her again.*

*Raph sits on the left side of the couch reading his comics well sharing the rest of the couch with Michelangelo and Donatello as they play video games together.*

"Man am I the only one who misses space right now?" Raph softly says as he lets out a yawn.

"You don't miss space Raph, you just miss all the nonstop action" Donatello explains as he roles his eyes, making sure not to let Mikey get to close to winning the game

"Nah man he just misses, Mona Lisa" Mikey giggles well making goo goo eyes towards Raph, causing him to loose the game. "Aw man not fair Don, rematch"

"Hah! No chance Mikey,  you've lost to me three times today. I need a real challenge..."

"Maybe you're right....I do miss her" Raph softly says under his breath, interrupting Donatello

For a second Donatello and Michelangelo make eye contact, before bursting out laughing.

"Awe poor raphie wants his girl friend!"  Donatello chuckles

"Awe man Raph, you're adorable" Michelangelo says laughing

"DO YOU GUYS WANT TO FIGHT!!! I'LL FIGHT YOU BOTH RIGHT NOW!!!" Raphael yells as he chases them both around the couch, grasping his sias

"Silence my sons! I am trying to meditate, please stop fighting or I will send you all to bed" master splinter snaps as he pokes his head from his room, before going back in mumbling comments about his immature sons

"You guys aren't worth it," Raphael roles his eyes and he grabs a bag of snacks and weapons

"Hey where are you going" Donatello asks

"Out" Raph says as he starts walking off, before he's stopped by his older brother Leonardo

"Out? Out where?" Leonardo asks with a tired look in his eye

"I'm just going to hangout on a building, don't worry about it. I won't be caught and I won't fight anyone I promise, alright?"

"Ok be careful" Leo yawns and walks off towards his room

"Ok be careful?!?! What? Are you ok Leo?!?" Raphael asks shocked at his brothers response

"I trust you Raph, you've grown up a lot in the past six months, if you Say you'll be careful, then I believe you" he explains making eye contact with his brother

"Cool Leo, thanks" Raphael smiles as he walks off

"Can I go out Leo?" Michelangelo asks excitedly

"Go to bed Mikey"

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