❤️Together again❤️

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*the streets where flooded with the sounds of screaming civilians and police sirens*

"Oh man Mona I missed you so--" clouded with excitement Raphael paused remembering that he had to get Mona to safety as soon as he possibly could. And that no other place would be as safe as his home.

"What is it Raphael?" The concerned salamander asks as she gently sets her lover down.

"We need to get out of here Mona"

"Why? Is this not your planet?" Mona asks filled with confusion.

" it is, it's just different here..." He gazes into her eyes "oh man she so cute." He thinks to him self

"I'll tell you about it later ok" he gently grabs her hand, pulling her with him as they run to safety.

"Oh man her hands are so soft and so tough at the same time, I think I'm in love!" He thought to himself

*back in the sewers, Leonardo paced back and fourth."

"Don is the shell razor ready to go?"

"Hold on a minute, also Raphael's matured a lot every since we got back from space. I'm sure he found Mona Lisa and is on his way back right now." Donatello explained well fixing a few bugs in the shell razor.

"You're probably right" Leonardo responded

"Who is this Mona Lisa, Michelangelo?" Master splinter asked surprised that his sons had never mentioned this mysterious person before.

"Ah well she's just Raph's girlfriend master" Michelangelo chuckled shoving pizza into his mouth.

"Girlfriend?" Splinter thought to himself

"Hey guys the shell razors ready! Let's go!" Donatello yelled from his lab.

"Alright cool lets go Mikey, we'll be right back master" Leonardo shouted as he grabbed Mikey by the shell dragging him into the vehicle.

*The boys left, leaving their master some what confused but still with faith in his sons.*

//I'll update by Tuesday k!//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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