Mr. America

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The seven countries quickly grabbed their bags before following the state to the door of the mansion.

"I normally won't be saying zhis but avoid mon familia. Do not say anything offensive or else your country. . . Mon Dieu, your dead." Louisiana checked the time on her phone before slipping the key into the slot and opening the door.

The small hallway led to what appeared to be a living room of sorts with bookshelves lining the walls. The only odd thing in the room was a young girl waiting patiently on the couch.

"Louis, your back! Ginny said you could do the tea party with me because she's busy cooking." The young girl approached the group with a happy skip in her step. She looked around 5 with brown hair and blue eyes which were obviously the American's trademark.


"But Ginny said you would. Because she knows, that you know, that she's busy and that you would do anything for her because you love her so much and-"

"Zhat's enough," The blonde's face was tinted red from an obvious blush. She turned to the counties. "Go down that hallway, the kitchen is the 2nd door. Pa-America should be in there." With a simple wave of the hand in the right direction, Louisiana picked up the small girl and exited the room using the door opposite to the others.

England turned partially to look at the others only to catch France's hurt face. It was then he realized that Louisiana had called America papá.

Germany let the way, his former axis members right next to him. Something was different though. It surprised France and England and perhaps even Germany that Japan had the slightest amount of emotion on his face.

England allowed his gaze to the well decorated walls of the hallway. All were photographs of National wonders such as Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower with the exception of one drawing of the leaning tower of Pisa. It dawned on a few of the countries present why America would have any of these pictures, but many stored that question for when they saw the American again.

England ran straight into Germany's back and fell down on his arse. China helped his friend up before the rest of them moved to see why the former axis had stopped moving.

And there, right there was the reason.

America was bottle feeding a baby with the most childish face any grown man could muster. It took the American a second to realize that his fellow countries were observing him.

"Sup guys. Looks like Louis picked you up. I wouldn't have sent someone else but she was already out and the person I had chosen refused." He turned his eyes back to the small child.

The baby happened to be a little Asian boy who was know staring at America with bright blue eyes.

"I think you guys will like my family. We're a bit crazy but what family isn't?" Japan stepped forward and took the baby from America's arms and continued to feed him from the bottle.

"Jou've better have a good reason zhat ve're staying here for the next few days." Germany's voice came out with a bit of attitude that made him sound pissed and ticked off.

"Your here to celebrate one of my youngest daughter's Freedom Party. Your also meeting my states before, after and during so I hope you brought some Advil, it's going to be a long day..

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