Thorin x pregnant reader

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You sat there for a while. The healer had just told you that you're pregnant. You should be ecstatic but the father wouldn't be pleased. Thorin Oakensheild King under the mountain is the father. "(f/n)?" A thick voice called. You froze "Im in our room Thorin!" You anwsered. He walked in, his Royal robes glide across the floor. " Are you okay my love?" He asked. you look at him. "Thorin. I need to tell you something..." You start. Thorin looks at you. He sits down "What?" He asked. His ice blue eyes wide as panic flashed through them for a second before going "I.. What do you think about kids?" You ask. Thorin looks at you "Well, i love kids. I wish i had my own but if i cant have them then Fili and Kili will always be seen as my sons why?" Ge asked. You stand up, you are already three months so theres a little bump forming, you grasp Thorins large hand and place in on your slightly swollen tummy. He gasped. He put his other hand on your tummy"is.. Is it mine?"he asked quietly. You nod "Yes" you confirmed. He smiled. He stood up towering over you  ((yes hes a dwarf but hes 5'4" your 4,11")) he placed a kiss onto your lips. You smile at him "Im so relieved" you sigh he raises an eyebrow "why?" He asked "I thought you wouldn't want to have them" you said. He froze "Them?" He inquired. You turn around and pick up a small ultrasound picture. "Them" you said showing two small babies he clutched the photos a hand pressed to his mouth as tears roll down his cheeks. "Thank you" he said smiling at you. He hugged your waist "Thank you so much for giving me a family" he spoke again you leaned down and kissed his forehead "Thank you for letting  me to be the one who will carry your children"  you said.


Later on Thorin and You both agreed to tell the Company and the Kingdom. You walked into the grand hall where a banquet was being held for the surprise of the pregnancy. You sat down carefully your small bump still making it difficult to get comfortable. "EVERYONE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!" Thorin yelled over the noise. Everyone went silent their attention given to the King "My wife and I have some exciting news. (F/n) do you wish to tell them?" He asked you stand holding him "We." You start "Are" Thorin continues "Having" you say "Chilren!" You both grin. Everyone was silent you where worried but then they erupted into cheers. We smiled and kiss. Maybe being Thorins Pregnant wide isnt so scary after all.

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