Chapter 8 Blonde Bitch

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A/n.. Sorry for the long wait. Enjoy 😊

*athena's pov*
Getting up after a quiet breakfast I walk back to he's room since I don't have one of my own yet, and I doubt I will with he's possessive behaviour and all. Jumping on the bed I lay back with my hands behind my head looking up at the ceiling, thinking about life itself. What am I going to do? Sitting up with a heavy sigh I get up and walk towards the bathroom. After a nice warm shower I walk out with the towel around my neck drying my hair I sit on the bed to put on lotion. Looking up at the clock Kayne's got hanging on the wall I see it's still early, Putting on spray before walking out of the room, jogging down the stairs I walk towards the front door before getting stopped again. "What do you want" I seethe "what do you think you're doing! You know you can't leave the pack house" said Sam, Kayne's Gemma. "I'm looking for Kayne." turning around and walking out the door before he can get in another word. Walking towards the training pit where Kayne's scent is coming from I'm greeted with the sight of him shirtless along with twenty other guys. Feeling my presence he turns to me and boy does he not look happy. Smiling I walk towards him with a skip in my step knowing I've pissed him off. I'm a horrible mate. 'What do you think your doing" he said seething. "Nothing, simply going for a walk, came to see what this horrible smell was." I reply still smiling. "Funny" he mutters under he's breath, "what?" I ask. Ignoring me he turns back to the boys only to see they have stopped training and instead have been watching our encounter. "BACK TO WORK! DID I SAY YOU COULD STOP" he shouts at them. Quickly shuffling around they get back to what they were doing before I interrupted them. "Can you leave? Your distracting the boys" he says. "No, I think I'm going to stay." I reply smugly. maybe if I keep getting on he's nerves he'll let me leave. "Fine, just don't get in my way.' He replies.  "Okay". Walking with him as he walks around to assist them. Feeling eyes on me I look around to see a smug looking blonde boy staring at me. Turning my head side to side I glare at him, he only smirks back. Hmm.  Walking towards him I see him turn towards he's friends before looking back at me. Without waiting for him to say anything I walk up and punch him straight in the face. Falling to the ground I can tell he wasn't expecting that. "Athena what the hell! You can't just go around hitting my pack, soon to be our pack." Kayne shout/growls "he wanted this, I'm only giving him what he wanted." I retort back. Looking towards the boy on the ground "what do you think your trying to prove, taunting your Luna?" He growls. The boy is now off the ground standing, looking at me with a hideous smug look. 'No, it's okay. Let him speak now." I say. They both look at me in surprise, everyone does. "Go on then Damon" says Kayne. "Your weak" starts Damon stoping he's sentence when Kayne growls 'hush Kayne let him finish' I growl back wanting Damon to finish he's sentence. Looking back at Damon I nod for him to continue. "You're a rogue, we're a strong pack we can't have a weak Luna, our alpha needs a strong mate, someone who will not run from the battle, someone who is smart in situations about war, someone who knows their place and won't try and up the alpha" he finishes, Kayne looks about ready to explode. "And I'm guessing you already have a someone in mind' I ask knowingly everyone is silent seeing if my guess is true. "Yes, my sister.' He replies quietly.. Gasp are heard from ever where. Hmm should we? Yes we need to show everyone Kayne is ours. Says my wolf. I turn to Kayne "mind link he's sister to come to the training pit now! In sport gear." I demand Kayne. Looking at him with a face that obviously says DON'T ARGUE. Doing as I ask he eyes cloud over. Not even five minutes later I see a tall blonde walk towards Kayne stopping when she feels the obvious tension in the air. Looking at me then back at Kayne I see she doesn't like how close we are, "Persephone, Damon here implies you have a problem with your Luna, is there anything you'd like to say to Athena?" Demands Kayne. Everyone now looking at her. "Why yes, yes. I do." Replies Persephone. With a smug look on her face identical to the one her brother had.

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