Somethings that happened to me

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*this is my story these are true things that have happened to me when i was younger to the house I have lived in with my mum and brother since 2013 or 2014*

My Childhood friend?

So this happened when I was really young like between the ages of 3 and maybe 5 I cant remember correctly but my mum told me I had this imaginary friend who was a grown man, now I don't remember this cause I was really young but that what my mum told me when I asked my mum about any paranormal or supernatural things happen to me when I was younger cause I have visions every female on my mum's side had this but it always skipped every two generations. I asked my mum and she told me that there was a grave stone of a army soldier on our property that we moved when the house was being built because after having this imaginary friend I was outside with my dog and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in a army uniform watching me, He smiled and disappeared when he turned and walked to the woods and its been 11 years since the last time I have ever saw that ghost.

Shadow people, heart beats and a gun shot? 

This didn't really happen to me but it happened to my brother while I was alseep these happened on different nights ok? One night my brother was about 8 i think since we are a year and half apart but he said it was around midnight and he was going to the bathroom, Now out house wasn't that big really there was my parents room next to the kitchen, then the dinning  room, living room, the bathroom and neck to the bathroom was a hall way where me and my brothers rooms where and were we sleep. Now we had problems with the hallway with mice getting in and the cats getting out that we barely use the hallway anymore, But anyway it was midnight and my brother was sleeping in the dinning room he got up to use the bathroom and he was in the little space from the bathroom and the hallway he looked down the hallway and saw the shadow of a man and heard a heartbeat now it wasn't my brother heartbeat he was hearing but the shadows heart beat and right as he heard the heartbeat a gun shot went off and he ran back to his bed in the dinning room needless to say he never went to the bathroom that night. 

Now this was a different night my brother was sleeping in his bed in the dinning room, now our dinning room has two windows a small one that looks out in the field our friend next door owned on the side of the house and then there was a bigger window looking out through the front of the house to the field across the street where cows went to eat etc, So my brother woke up I think maybe 1 or 2 in the morning sometime around there since at the time this happened he was about 9 or 10. The moon was up high in the sky enough so you could have a clear view of both of the fields right? well he looked out at the one next to us and saw a shadow or two in the field next to us couldn't make out the faces or anything, Then he stood in the middle of the dinning room and saw another shadow outside in the field across from us just staring at the house, Now I dont know what happened after that cause my brother never told me just said they were looking at the house facing the two windows.

Shadow at the foot of me and my mums bed, and my grandma waiting for my grandpa?

Ok so these are two different things that happened in different years ok but this is what happened I was maybe the same age as my brother was when he saw the shadows or i was 8 i can't remember I blocked out this memory for a bit..but I was sleeping I think it was summer or fall at the time but I was sleeping in bed with my mum...Yes ok i shared a room with my mum since I couldn't sleep in my room anymore and my dads friend took my room for the night..So I was sleeping in my mums room with her and around maybe 12 or 11 at night cant remember but I woke up to the feeling off being watched while I was sleeping so I laid on my back and opened one of my eyes very slowly to see what was going on and saw some black figure watching me sleep at the foot of my mums bed and it knew I saw it but didn't bother to deal with it, It kind of just stood there watching me and quietly left my mums room after about 2 or 3 minutes that felt like a hour and I never saw it again.

This happened before and after my grandma died ok, I was spending the night at my grandparents when i was 10 see my grandma had dementia and always forgot about stuff and forgetting who i was but anyway when night I was staying at my grandma's and I was up at 10 at night on my computer while my everyone else was asleep so I was sitting there playing Harry potter Chamber of secrets on my laptop and I looked up for a quick second to see something run past the living room window and I was confused but went back to my game and about 2 minutes later I hear my grandma yelling for my mum so I woke her up and told her, Grandma was yelling for her cause I guessed grandma need to use the bathroom so my mum went to go take her to the bathroom and I looked at the  living room window on my left side at the end of the room that was about a two foot tall and 1 foot or two foot long window and saw red glowing and blue glowing eyes staring at me I pretend it was there and I heard my name being called I ignored it and when my mum walked back in all the name calling and the eyes were gone and I pretend nothing ever happened.

This second thing happened after my grandma passed away it felt really quiet and weird with out her around and my grandpa was slowly passing away but me and my mum where there and i was up like any 12 year old would do in the summer time i was up at 12 at night and i heard a door knob shake and i looked at my grandma's old room and saw the door handle shake and the door open and I saw my grandma's shadow come out of the room and walk around the house before vanishing, My mum had the same thing happen to her when it was just her at my grandparents house with my grandpa and after he passed away every weird thing possible stopped and it went quiet.

Things that happened at the new house?

after my grandparents moved we got into a new house with a orchard and everything but the first month we moved into there I was sleeping in my room upstairs and I heard my bedroom window open and i woke up and turned on the light to see nothing there and the window close i shrugged it off and went back to bed but right as i was falling asleep the window opened again i left the light off ran to the window and saw a black figure jump off my roof I ran downstairs and looked outside the porch windows and saw nothing and thought nothing could vanish with in 3 seconds if it was human.

Then a year later I was walking around outside to find my cat Simon who got outside at night when he is not suppose to do that I went into the orchard to go find him and when I found him the wind started to pick up and I felt something like breath hit the back of my neck I freaked out and turned around to see nothing and i felt the breath on the back of my neck again I turned around quickly to see and Man about in his early 20s looking at me I couldn't make out his face or anything but I knew if I tried to use the fighting skills my dad taught me it won't work right? cause this person looked to be alot bigger and stronger then me but when this happened I picked up my cat simon who by now was hissing at the person and I went running out of the orchard but stopped when I heard the person speak in a different langue and then said "You are ours now" after that I high tailed it to my house with my cat and ever since that day weird stuff has been happening like I keep seeing shadows, the feeling im being watched, followed, I hear something or someone saying my name, I see something outside and then i wake up to see me standing there in my clothes in the middle of the night, and weird stuff keeps popping up like I had a crescent moon necklace with turtle beads show up and I wore it for a year before I went outside and started saying a name and the wind picked up and the necklace was gone and i was wearing it when it happened.

~yes these things actually did happen to me there are other stories of things that happened but these are the only things I can share with you guys cause I feel like im being watched right now as I type this stuff but this all did happening to me and it is all true cause after my two closet friends were with me and I told them this things started to happened to them and i have a friend in Ireland who has the same things happen to him like they happened to me....But there is one thing i can say when me and my friend in Ireland where talking there was a banging noise outside my kitchen window near the pipes that you put oil in for a furnace in my basement and after it stopped where I was it started to happen to him on the walls outside his room and something saying his name...cause he gets followed just like I do by these unknown forces or creatures or whatever they are...~

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