It's Chicks Before Dicks; Part 4

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*Hahaha finally! Lmao Mahroo, I had so much fun doing this. I've created the most bitchiest character known to man. Muwahahaha! Enjoy dear readers, and comment away! Oh yeah, btw, Sanz and Em, I forgot to tell you that the *BAM* factor is a phrase I made up recently. It's so amazing ain't it. It should hit the dictionary soon eh?*

Chapter 4



I observe my French manicured nails. Absentmindedly, I twirl escaped strands of my wavy blood red hair with my pinky finger, staring intently at the window. I'm in a lecture hall at the University of Southern California. Thankfully, it's a big class so the object of my staring doesn't have to be analyzed. Everyone around me simply assumes that I'm bored and staring out the window like all bored students do.


The thing is, from my vantage point I can clearly see the Professor's reflection through the window.

I can see to the detail, his 6"2, muscular yet lean, tanned, oh so sexy body. His Wentworth Miller Prison Break crew cut encircling that perfect oval face with just the right features. His piercing green eyes. His smile forever playing on those breathtaking lips. His teeth are slightly crooked, but that rates him all the more higher on the "kissable" scale. His small diamond stud in his right ear glimmers with every turn of the head, shedding an array of light bouncing off his already bright face. I can see everything that makes him utterly desirable through that window.

Okay Amber, snap out of it.

I take out a pen from my mega huge, fire truck red, Aldo bag and a notebook. The initial plan was to jot down notes, but that plan has been tossed right out the door because I've missed so much while I was daydreaming that I currently have no idea what the Professor is talking about.

A Professor in which I just so happened to picture tearing his clothes off in a heat of passion.

With my teeth.

Okay, what the hell.

'What?" I tell myself. You're not interested in Danny anymore. In fact, you're going to dump his sorry ass the second class is dismissed.

It all started 3 months ago when I asked him to go for pizza with me. I knew though that pizza had nothing to do with my true intentions. Nothing at all.

I threw on the sluttiest clothes I could find. Fish net stockings, mini skirt so damn mini, that when I bend down, you can make out the shape of my ass. A shirt so tight that it redefined tight all on its own, my breasts pop out and creates every man within a mile to salivate like a dog. I zipped up my knee high leather black boots with their deadly stilettos. Oh boy did they make my already mile long legs look a hundred miles longer. I layered the makeup on pretty thick, making me look 21 instead of my 19 years, and my hair.....extensions baby. I made my hair look like every male's dream come true. The red already adds a sexy factor to it, however all the volume and "fluff" brought my tresses to their true potential.

I snicker to myself, and continue thinking about that quite eventful day.

Darlin' Danny couldn't take his eyes off of mine. I knew that with the looks the other men in the pizza joint were giving me, I looked pretty hot. When our margarita pizza arrived, the hot just got hotter.

By the end of the night Danny was mine.

I turn my head away from the mirror and purse my lips in frustration.

I know why I'm dating Danny. I'm dating him for the *BAM* factor. You know how it goes, hot guy, hot girl, pair 'em up. DUH. I have no feelings for him whatsoever. Dating Danny just brings up my social standing in it's-all-about-who-you-know L.A.

Besides the obvious, Nicky is madly in love with him. I snort, I don't see what Nicky sees in Danny, but it must be something. I only noticed that she had a thing for him recently though.....which is another one of many reasons why I should dump Danny. I can't compromise my friendship over a guy.

A deafening *bring* fills the hall. Finally. Time to execute my plan of action.

As the 300 students in the lecture hall make their way towards the doors, I take out my hair tie and let my long flamin' red hair loose. I take out my makeup kit, and apply a dash of Coco Channel cherry red lipstick. I suck in a deep breath, crease out the creases in my short white denim skirt. Pop open the top button of my red short selves blouse, allowing a sneak peek at my impressive cleavage. Wiggle in my red pumps, throw my head back, and strut the steps towards the Professor.

I'm radiating this air of unshakable confidence although I'm anxious inside. But hey, I'm a good actress. To clam down my nerves I think about who the next bitch that'll get eliminated from ANTM will be. I swell up with smugness, I can take any of them gal's out. It's quite simple really.

You mess with Amber, you get burnt.

I'm there, finally, and with a smile of my blood red lips I stick out my hand. He shakes it with a firm, strong, grasp. I look at him and smile, "My name is Amber Sage. I'm majoring in your Public Relations class. Yesterday you had a lecture that was quite compelling yet awfully incomprehensible. I'm sorry to say I didn't understand a word. May you go over it with me today at 5o'clock? I'm afraid the rest of the week my time is taken up with a paper I have to turn in for my Telecommunications class."

I smirk to myself. Ha. I know everything that went on in yesterday's lecture. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"You seem like quite the intellectual Amber. Of course. Come over to," he glances down at his schedule for affirmation, "this class in fact. We'll pull up a couple of chairs and desks and go over your questions."

I nod my head gratefully, "thank you Professor". I turn around with a click of my heel and an elegant sashay of my skirt.

"You may call me Logan. Logan Hall."

Oh baby I can call you more than that.

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