Finding Letters

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So the idea for this story came when I read a bit of Thirty Letters To Burn which is an amazing book and I definitely reccommend you reading it. I'm not trying to copy it really but these are a few letters that I wrote to people in my life who know who they are and sometimes just don't realise how amazing they are or how much they effect me. These are things that I don't have the balls to say to them in real life but seeing as most of them have wattpad, they'll end up just reading it anyway.

Oh well.

I love you guys and the next letter will go up when I feel like it,



Chapter One: Best Friends for Letter

Honestly, I'm actually not sure what to write here.

After six years of not seeing you, I guess I should forget about you and honestly, I wouldn't be surpirsed (or hurt) if I found out that you forgot about me. It was six years ago and you had only been in year two (I was only in year one). And just so you know, I'm not some creepy stalker because i've only looked you up on facebook three times, which considering how bored I can get, is actually a miracle.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, it's fair to say that a few other people have come up in my search history more then you have. Just so you know, I am not a stalker.

Now just for all you lovely people who are reading this thinking 'you' is not something most people are named, I may as well just make up a name. So lets just call 'you' Fred.

I like the name Fred anyway, it just sounds nice. Almost refreshing. Kind of like the beach. And honeslty its a shame that I know a Fred and I don't like that same Fred but I guess you can't have everything going your way. So anyway, Fred, I haven't seen you for six years and I can only imagine how much you've changed. Especially if it is similar to how much I've changed because I'm not exactly the same girl you knew then.

So right now, I'm in year eight and you're in year nine and probably on the other side of the country with a new face and a new personailty. Even if by some chance, Fred, that I did happen to recognise you and we met up, there would be even less chance that we would still be friends and to be honest, that does hurt a little but it hurts alot more that I'll never see you again.

Or maybe I will but I just won't recognise you.

So Fred, if you're reading this right now, maybe you'll remember me and maybe you won't. I'm not really sure. It's kind of like when you're doing a test and you know the answer is in the back of your mind somewhere, waiting for you to find it, but you just can't remember it.

It's annoying right? Espicially because I don't even like tests.

But I want you to know that I will always remember you as long as I don't get alzeimers because then I'll probably forget you but I guess I'm allowed to then, aren't I? Anyway, one of the days that I remember spending with you that I remember really well was your birthday. Well, I actually can't remember how old you were turning so I might already by suffering from alzheimers. But we went to Luna Park, in Melbourne and we spent your birthday there. To be honest, that's pretty much the only reason I go to Luna Park every year when I go back to spend my Christmas Holiday in Melbourne. It's all pretty funny because we weren't even great friends back then.

Anyway you'd gone around asking peoplee if they wanted to come to your birthday party and you'd asked me Fred, you'd asked me and I'd said yes. Of course I was a little surprised when I got an invite but I went to your party and I'd spent time with you and your best friend. Your best friends name, Fred, is going to be Ned because Ned and Fred are cosy and cute and comfortable and that's all you ever were with me. Comfortable.

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