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I hear little footsteps in the passage and babbling from a tricky little person who recently learnt the wonders of emptying cupboards. I walk into the passage and laugh at the sight before me... I have become accustomed to walking in on scenes like these and can't seem to think of what I would be doing if I still didn't have my little blessing.

My angle waited twelve years before gracing us with her presence. In the first few years I tried a variety of treatments short of invitro but Allah had other plans for us. I gave up on the treatments and kept my hope in Allah.

In December of 2009, a misfortune took us to India. In the turmoil of events Allah presented us with an opportunity of seeing a fertility specialist. She put me at ease with my situation and made me feel very comfortable. Many tests later, some medication was prescribed.

On returning home I awaited my menstrual cycle with trepidation, in order to begin the treatment, but to no avail. After a phone call to my doctor in India a scan was recommended.

I decided to have the scan. The doctor who performed the scan informed me that my endometrium was thick. My thoughts spiraled out of control. Do I have endometriosis? Is this another complication? What else could possibly happen?
Guessing my thoughts the doctor sat me down and told me exactly what a thickened endometrium means. She explained that it could either mean that I was about to get my period or that I was in the extremely early stage of pregnancy. In order to know exactly which it was she sent me for blood tests.

I had the blood tests done and gave the details of my doctor. When I phoned the doctor to inform her that the lab would be faxing her results she informed me that she had the results already. Instead of giving me the results she congratulated me. When I told my husband he said: "I will not believe it till it's one hundred percent confirmed."

He went to attend an ijtema ( preaching ) for a week and I went to my mother's house. My doctor requested I go for another blood test to monitor my h c g levels. My sister in law accompanied to the lab. While we were waiting to do the test I felt as though I was bleeding. I told my sister -in-law and went to the bathroom. I was spotting. Oh no! Now what?
I then made due to Allah. Oh Allah after bringing me this far you can not disappoint me...
I then informed my doctor and she prescribed medication. Alhamdulillah Allah answered my dua and nine months later my great blessing from Allah was born by caesarean section.
The 23 of September will always remind me of the disbelief, awe and love that I felt when my baby was placed in my arms for the first time. It was the most amazing feeling on earth. All praise and thanks is due to Allah. The Most gracious. The Bestower of blessings.
When we arrive home after three days, it was as though a festival was taking place. The house overflowed with people smiling ear to ear. Laughing and talking as they excitedly passed our little angle from hand to hand. Everyone was encompassed in a bubble of Elation. She is now a happy and healthy one year old that carries joy and happiness everywhere she goes. When I look at her at times I still can't believe that she is mine. Even on the rare occasion when she is crabby I'm still grateful for my great blessing from Allah.
The words of Aaidh Qarni gave me courage when I felt down.

From the excellent word of Aaidh Qarni

It is highly possible that you being delayed from a journey is better is better for you

And it is highly possible that you being deprived of marriage is a blessing

And it is highly possible that your divorce from your spouse is ease

And it is highly possible that you being refused a position is in your best interest

And it is highly possible that a delay in having a child or being deprived from one is for the best and it may not be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know ( verse 216 Al Baqarah)

Because He knows and you do not know
So don't be angry and annoyed for anything which happens to you because by the permission of Allah, it is best for you
It is said:

Do not complain excessively, as worries will come your way

But increase praising Allah, and good fortune will come your way.
All praise is for Allah,
And all praise is for Allah,
And then all praise is for Allah

Until the praise reaches it's limit.

And all praise is for Allah until you Allah are pleased, and all praise is for Allah when Your Allah become pleased, and all praise is for Allah after Allah is pleased

And all praise is for Your Allah in every condition.

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