"Goodnight Alix!" I called after her as she walked away. I smiled to myself as her small figure disappeared into a tent. She's so cute. I know if I ever said that out loud though, she'd pulverise me. I've known Alix since the 1st grade and even though we've never been close, I know her enough to know she does not enjoy being called cute.
~flashback time~
It was class picture day at elementary school, and the first grade was eagerly awaiting their turn to get photographed. All the boys were dressed in polo shirts or sweaters, and the little girls were wearing dresses. Including one furious little pink haired girl(yes, it took a lot of convincing of her dad to let her dye her hair at age 7). She stood in the corner by herself embarrassed by her girly and humiliating attire that her father insisted she wear if she wanted to participate in the street hockey competition this weekend. Other classmates snickered from afar, but didn't dare confront her, as long as they didn't have a death wish. But the very worst part of this, Alix thought, was the fact that people thought she was cute. Cute! She most certainly was anything but cute. She was intimidating! Powerful! And nobody took her seriously. Especially the teachers. Even though she could be a piece of work sometimes, the teachers thought the little girl was absolutely precious.
So when the camera man instructed the kids to form a line in height order, which meant of course that Alix was in the front, and he had the audacity to call her up before she was told where to stand, just to say "well aren't you just too cute!" Let's just say that camera man would have a hard time explaining to his wife how he got a broken nose photographing 7 year olds.
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(A/n: here's a little sketch I did cause I was bored. I know it's bad but not all of us can be artists like Nathanaël. My handwriting was ugly that's why it's in text😬)
~flashback over~
Nathanaël Pov again
I Guess I should be getting some sleep too. I closed my sketchbook and headed to the tent I'd be sleeping in. As I ducked under the tent door, I was somewhat surprised to see my roommates already there, with smirks on their faces. "Hey guys." I greeted.
"Hey Nath," Nino started, "you have a good time at the campfire?" He continued with I smile on his face.
"Y-yeah it was fun." I answered.
"You were really enjoying the view, weren't you?" Adrien questioned, holding back laughter.
"Yeah," I began excitedly, "watching the sun set over the hill was-"
"No, I meant the view of Alix!" They both burst out laughing and I looked away embarrassed.
Nino punched me in the shoulder a little harder than he intended, "nah bro we're just messin with you. But for real, you like Alix don't you?"
"Um, I-I dunno.."
"It's alright man, we won't tell her or anything."
"To be quite honest I'm a little scared of her." I confessed.
Adrien and Nino chuckled and nodded agreeing.
"Yeah dude she's a scary chick," Nino started, "remember when she punched that photographer in the first grade?" I nodded and looked down solemnly.
"But you know what? When she was out there talking to you tonight, she wasn't scary at all. I've never seen her that way before. I think she likes you." Adrien explained.
Now it was my turn to laugh. "There is no way Alix likes me. Up until today I've been convinced she hated me. She always makes fun of me."
"Maybe that's just her way of expressing her feelings. She is a pretty strange girl." Nino offered.
"I don't think so." I said as I laid down in my sleeping bag, "I'm gonna get some sleep. See you guys tomorrow."
"Night Nathan." They said in sync, then it was finally silent.
She really is cute though. With her messy pink hair, and her big blue eyes. And she has a cute tiny nose. And that little smirk she does. She's so small, I bet I could pick her up easily... Oh man, I think I have a crush on Alix.
A/n: I know that one was kinda short, but I kinda had writers block:/ Anyways I hope you liked it, and feel free to tell me what you thought. Comments are always appreciated;)