The Shadow Warrior

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Dylan's POV

I woke up and saw that Jack and Grace were still needing medical attention. Oliver was asleep, so I took a walk. The others say its unsafe, but who's gonna stop me. They know that they can't beat me. It's not that I am more powerful, it's just... I can't really lose. I'm almost immortal. You see, the Shadow Warrior is a complicated thing. There are three Shadow Warriors in existence. One was my father. He's dead. He died saving me as a child. I barely remember it. I was 7.

The demons came for me. It is said that a Shadow Warrior or one of his descendants would destroy the Demon's Eyes. Not just any demon, but the Demon. All demons are descendants of him. If his eyes are destroyed then all of the demons won't have any leader. The eyes can appear in your mind, your dreams, but is pinned. A thousand years ago, it is said that the Original 3 Shadow Warriors lifted a volcano and dropped it on the Demon. The Demon is pinned, but it is said that if all three of the Shadow Warriors' blood on the Rock of Abyssal, then the Demon will rise. The demons want the Demon to rise so he can give them power.

But I am powerful, for my father was a Shadow Warrior. They didn't get his blood though. He died before they could get him to the volcano. Apparently, I don't remember this, but I went berserk when he died. I killed each and every single demon that had helped to kill my father. But the demons wouldn't have came if the Demon hadn't directed him. My father told me all of what he knew about the Shadow Warriors and the Demon. But let me tell you this. I will kill the Demon's eyes, mark my words. Mark them with blood.

Oliver's POV

I came to and everyone but Dylan was present. I had developed a new sense of respect for the guy. He feared nothing and no one. That was a quality that I wish I had. Amy, Will, Grace, and Jack were all sitting around a table talking. I walked over. "Where's Dylan?" I asked. "He took a walk." Will said. I decided to drop it. I sat down and Jack looked around at all of us and said, "Oliver, you are something called a Shadow Warrior. Dylan is the most knowledgable in this subject but I get it pretty well. There are three Shadow Warriors in existence. You are one. The other is dead. And the third, well we met him in the alley today. How magic works is the darker color your magic, the more powerful. Yours is black. Mine is navy. Grace's is a lighter shade of purple. I believe Dylan's is red. Amy has green magic and Will has orange. But the important thing is the shadow flames you have. That is unique to the Shadow Warrior. Everyone else can make fire, lightening, and cast other spells in there own color. I will teach you in magic. Dylan will teach you in combat. To be honest, all he really does is beat you up until you get better.

"His father is... Was a Shadow Warrior. He died when Dylan was 7. But Dylan wants to destroy the Demon eyes. There is a long background surrounding those but to cut to the chase, you need to destroy them. Dylan believes that both a Shadow Warrior or his descendant can kill the eyes. But that is wrong."

I let that all soak in. I didn't have any questions that I could think of. I thought of only one thing to say. "Well... How about we get to training?" I stood up and so did Jack. We started walking but Amy and Will stopped us. They gave me a scrap of cloth. I took it and the moment I touched it it expanded and covered me. It turned into clothes. A shirt like Dylan's, only this one had sleeves. All along the sleeves charm bracelets and armbands wrapped around my arms. The chest of the shirt was bare. No sheathes, no charms, nothing. There was a hood. I pulled it up, and then everyone gasped. I looked down at my arms. They were gone I realized. I was invisible.

I pulled the hood off and Amy and Will smiled. "Just think of any weapon, and it'll be in your hands." I imagined holding a staff like Jack. One appeared in my hand. Then I imagined an axe like Grace had used. It was there. Then I imagined a scythe just like the other Shadow Warrior had held. It felt right, sitting in my hand. I dispelled it, and Jack and I entered the Arena. This time it was much larger. At least 100 meters wide. It still easily fit in the giant area that we used as a base. He approached me and then snapped his fingers.

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