Chapter 5: Trust

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Chronos groaned, he needed to go to the human realm for the third time this week and it was starting to get annoying. He floated out of the castle and sought out his usual portal. He could make portals of his own but there was one very close to the tower. It was a lot less power consuming and he didn't need to stay invisible. The portal lead to a deserted island where humans never came. He sighed again. Clockwork had made it a habit of forcing all the trips to the human world onto him. He knew he was more suitable to do so. He had gained the ability to disguise himself as a human and walk among them without being noticed. Invisibility was also an option but he liked disguising better. He chuckled at the humans for not noticing something like that. He sighed again and floated through the portal.

He looked at the scene that played before him. Sam and Tucker were standing 50 feet from him. A thousand questions popped up in his head. He turned himself invisible on instinct and listened to their conversation.

"Tuck, I'm scared. What if we don't get off this island? What if a predator shows up? We can't keep this up forever."

"I know Sam and I'm scared too. This isn't an everyday thing. We'll need to search for the others as soon as possible, we have a better chance of surviving with them than without."

Danny needed to sit down for a moment. What had happened to them and the rest of his class? Why were they on this island? How did they split up and why? All these thoughts were swimming through his head and fogging up every coherent thought he had. He shook his head and returned to the matter at hand. He needed to save his class. Screw everyone who thought otherwise. He wouldn't abandon his class a second time, even if the half it consisted of jerks.

He dropped his cloak of invisibility and floated closer to the group. He rustled some leaves to get someone's attention. It just happened to be Sam.

"Guys. We're not alone."

He fully emerged from the shadows and let the sight of him sink in.

"No, you're not. Would you please tell me what you are doing on this island?"

"Wait. Aren't you that Chronos guy?" Sam asked warily.

"Yes, and would you mind answering the question."

"I don't trust you ghost but fine. We are stranded on this island because our plane crashed."

He tried to think of a reason why the group was split and remembered that planes can break when they crash.

"I assume the other half of your class is also stranded somewhere on this island?"

"It really isn't your business, but yeah. My whole class is stranded here."

"Maybe I can help. I know a way to get off this island and I could even offer you some rest for the night."

He hoped that Sam and Tucker didn't hate him too much to see that this might as well be their only way to get off this island. He groaned when they shot him a dirty look and really wanted to tell them that he was their Danny. He knew he couldn't, he had seen the outcomes when he did and they weren't pretty. He shook his head at the memory and turned to see his classmates looking at him with a slight shimmer of hope in their eyes.

"We aren't stupid ghost, if you play any tricks on us we'll know. But this is as good a chance as any other, so we will come with you. Will you save the other part of the class as soon as we set foot in the Zone?"

"Yes, I'll save the other part of the class as soon as you guys are safe."

He held back a laugh at the astonished faces of Mickey and Nathan. They had never met a ghost other than Phantom that was benevolent. He smiled and motioned them to come over. As he made way to the clearing he could see Valerie tense. Maybe it was because of the fact that he was a ghost or that they were headed to the Zone.

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