Chapter One

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Enjoy the book!
Everyone loves me
Despite what Calypso says
Haikus are awesome
    Calypso showed me absolutely no remorse when she woke me up, despite all of my groans and attempts for her to stop. For a girl who was stuck on a prison island for years and years, you would've expected her to be a kind, gentle, sweet girl that had still been reconnecting to the world, considering she'd been cut off from it for nearly 2,000 years. But apparently she had fit back into human civilization quite fast during the past six months.
     "Wake up."Calypso said as she yanked my pillow from my head, causing me to groan and complain even more. I was lying on my stomach on my bed and had been quite comfortable and warm, until Calypso had barged in and claimed that Leo and Chiron needed me up, leaving the cabin door wide open which allowed the cold, winter air to enter.
    The others barely noticed, especially Austin and Kayla. Poor souls, I thought to myself. They had been kept tied up at the Grove of Dodona with the other missing demigods and nearly been set ablaze. No wonder they were in a deep sleep, I said in my mind as I continued to ignore Calypso. They must've been extremely tired without a doubt.
   After many methods of trying to wake me up, I finally gave up and got out of bed when Calypso entered the cabin with a bucket of freezing water and threatened to dump it on me. That certainly got my attention and gave me the energy to abandon my slumber.
    "You're evil."I mumbled as I slid on a hoodie and slipped on some shoes."I don't see what Leo sees in you."
    Calypso laughed and simply ignored my comment as we left the cabin and shut the door behind us, being engulfed by the morning's darkness and coldness. She set the bucket of water on the cabin's porch, some of it spilling  out as it was set down. The sun had not even begun to rise, so it must've been at least five in the morning. The only source of light were the torches on the cabins' porches, and Hestia's warm Hearth. In the distance, I could see the lights coming from inside the Big House, which we were approaching.
    "So what exactly is the reason that Chiron and Leo need me?"I questioned as I walked along side Calypso in the dark, cold, early morning.
   "Chiron wants to talk to us before we head off,"Calypso said quietly as she kept her eyes focused on the Big house."And Leo and I need to know a bit more about your experience as a mortal and everything that happened before we risk our lives by joining you on this dangerous quest."
    "I see."I replied as I slightly shivered due to the cold breeze of the winter morning. As we got closer to the Big House, I noticed that Calypso seemed a bit nervous.
    As a god, I was always easily noticing when someone was scared, nervous, anxious and what not. I could usually hear the person's pulse and heart pumping louder than anything, but obviously I was no longer a god. Instead, I was a wimpy sixteen year old mortal trapped inside of a boy's scrawny, flabby stomached body, with the name of Lester Papadopoulos. But with the looks Calypso had and the way she was walking, I could easily tell something was wrong and she was frightened or nervous in some way.
    "You okay?"I asked as I studied her face. Still I found it hard to believe that this girl walking beside me was the Calypso, the daughter of Atlas that I had seen years ago. Sure there was nothing really special about her, excluding her beautiful features and sweet charm, but comparing her to her old self, she seemed to be a completely different person. She no longer had Greek features and did not wear her long, silky dresses from the time of Greece. She had her hair in a modern day braid (which reminded me plenty of my sister, Artemis) hanging on her left shoulder, and a plain t-shirt with tattered blue jeans and some converse. Despite having no affection towards her, she was a pretty girl and no one could deny that.
    "Yeah."She softly said as we walked on the grass."Why?"
    "Just curious."I confirmed as we got closer to the Big House, the lights becoming brighter as we got closer."You seem a bit nervous or scared, or even both."
    She chuckled softly and opened her mouth."It's just...I've spent sixth months with Leo, finding our way, well, home. When I was stuck on the prison island of Ogygia, my thoughts were always that I wanted to get off of that infernal land and go home. But when Leo rescued me, I wondered, where was home? I love Leo, he's one of the best things that's ever happened to me. But I ask myself, where do I belong? I will definitely never leave his side, but in the past sixth months I wondered to which group I belong in."
    I processed her words slowly as we finally got to the Big House and climbed the steps of the deck. Before we both entered inside, I finally responded.
    "Maybe you belong here, at Camp Half-Blood. Trust me, I know what you're going through." I insisted."I went from being at the top to literally being pushed down to the bottom. Easy for you to find your place, you have Leo. Me? I have no one. Meg was manipulated by that-that Beast. I mean yeah I have my children and everyone here, but Meg and I had a strange connection. It's hard to describe and put into words, but I blame myself for losing her."
Calypso gave me a pitiful look and smiled weakly."We'll find her and you'll make things right. I really do believe you have changed. That, or maybe the original Lester Papadopoulos is in there impersonating to be the god Apollo."

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