Part 2

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Ah, I see you have come back for more. Well then, let the story keep going on......

Anna started walking around with her flashlight. Her friends kept jumping at every little sound they heard. They kept walking in till they reached a door. Anna swept away the dust and other things off of something.

"What does it say," asked Tara

It says "Gabriella Sanchez, age 12. Date of Birth: June 10, 1943. Eye color: Green. Mental illness: unknown. Descriptsion: always throws objects around and dangerous shards like toys. Laughs hysterically at anything, even the walls." Anna stopped and said, "This is strange,"

"Keep reading," Derek said.

"Ok ok fine." Anna whined. Anna went on with what it said. "Claps at anything and talks to anything. Sometimes she throws fits and look at people for enjoyment. MH # 286" "This girl is a wierdoooooo!" Said Anna.

"So, this place is a.. is a..... is," Stammered Tara.

"It's a mental hospital," said Derek. "That's what it stand for. We are in it. No wonder."

"So we are going to die," said Tara. "I understand now."

"No no Tara," Anna assured her. "It's ok like we're not all gonna die right?"

No one said anything in the silence, but Anna huffed. Anna opened the door to be surprised. She thought she was going to see a skeleton at her face but no. She was relieved, but only for a few seconds. What scared all of them was that there was a chair and straps. Anna thought it was there for punishment. There where white padded walls and the chair. Nothing else.

"Great." said Derek. "I bet this will happen to all of us. I can't take it anymore! You dragged us in here Anna and it is ALL YOUR FAULT! I thought everything was going to be okay but nooooo. This had to happen!"

"I'm sorry Derek," pleaded Anna "I really didn't mean to. Please I don't want you to get mad."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." said Derek. "That's all I ever hear from you. Think you are not guilty well you are! C'mon Tara, let's find-"

His sentence stopped there. Anna was terrified and was looking all around her.

"Derek!" Yelled Anna. "Where are you? Tara?"

Then she herd a loud gunshot. She yellped. She was scared now because she was all alone. She wandered through the corridors to see just many other doors like the one she had encountered earlier. She must have been looking for a long time. Then, she thought her mom would be so pissed at her. She bet it was after her curfew. She screwed up big time.

Anna kept on walking with shivers and goosebumps all around her. She never liked being alone, especially in the dark. Then, she heared a muffled scream. A cry for help maybe. She went to the direction where she heard it. She reached the end of a hallway and a door that was a creak open. She opened it to reveal nothing.

Lights flickered all around her and she wondered "the lights were working all this time?" Then, Tara suddenly appeared in the strapped chair like the one they have seen before. Tara had tape on her mouth and had a scratch mark on her face. Anna ran to her to take it off. Tara had a smile and Anna got her out of the chair.

"Do you have any clue where Derek is?" Asked Anna.

"No," Tara said. "Haven't seen him. We should go look." Tara stumbled and Anna nodded in agreement.

They kept walking and finding weird places. They kept finding shattered glass and Anna was tempted to leave. Tara was stumbling a lot but Anna was always catching her.

All of a sudden, they turned and found Derek right next to a window. He looked unconscious. Anna shook him vigorously and he woke up. Anna managed a smile on her face.

"You okay?" Anna asked.

"Yeah," said Derek "can you just help me up?"

Anna nodded and picked him up. They went out the window to escape the treacherous place. All of them agreed never to return back there again. They all were walking to Anna's house. Anna stopped and said goodnight to all of them. Then, Tara's eyes turned green. Her face looked pale. She had a cruel smile one her face and was walking up to Derek. Derek didn't see her but Tara bit his arm and broke his neck. He was dead. Blood rushing out of his nose.

Anna was terrified. She should have known. Tara was running to Anna. Anna snapped out of it and ran to the door. She thought she was going to be to late, but she reached the door in time. Anna slammed it on Tara and she could hear Tara clawing at the door. No, Anna thought. This is not Tara. She would never act like this. She is possessed. It was foolish of me not to know.

Anna's mom ran to her and smacked her. The color on Anna's face was drained out. Her mother asked where she had been. Anna responded that she was at a "movie" with her friends. She said that it was a scary movie. Her mother said she was glad that she was alright. Her mother was worried sick about her. Anna gave a weak smile and would never, in her life tell what had happened on that night.

Well, my story is not done yet. Find out in the next chapter to see what happens...

Thank you so much for reading my story. I haven't updated in so long. Sorry. The next story might come out next week! Stay tuned!!!
- Lizzy :)

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