What are you doing in my house?

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"Hello little human," I say as I stand up from a chair in a dark corner of the room. "I see that you're here to learn the ways of the reaper, then let's get started."

There's nothing like the classics, the moment you say you can break into someone's house, it sends them running for the hills.

Things that you need to remember:
-best to wait until all family is asleep
-muzzle the dog
-if you can't muzzle the dog, find some other way to silence it
-know your surroundings
-dark clothes
-don't go during a thunderstorm; all things lose effect
-steal all headphones prior to break-in

-tap on the windows
-walk past Windows that aren't visible from the road
-tape phantom notes to the windows
-lipstick if it's a girl
-be careful if you're actually going into this person's house

Preparation Phrases:

You see this is no fun unless your intended victim sees it coming the entire time. So here's how to drop it subtly without killing them in fear.

"I know where you live." I doesn't work as easily these days because internet, bit if you can make it work, it works.

Start gathering creepy personal information that you shouldn't know about them:

"Hey, does your mom like the new car she got yesterday? I liked it, but it could use a bigger trunk."

"Are you sure you want a beer? Your credit card company says you bought three cases yesterday."

Be careful. You can get arrested for this stuff.

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