Chapter Three

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Rejection and Austin Roux do not go together! But hey! There’s a first time for everything right?

Ummm…Not right!

He tried to process those two simple yet unbelievable words in his mind. Not interested…The word kept echoing in his mind, long after he reached home.

“Weird…it’s usually a yes…” he murmured to himself, and there is no denying in that. From High-School, to college and now a business of his own…all of them have ran smoothly as people just couldn’t say no to that dashing smile.

“I mean…look at me!” he spoke to himself…obviously looking at himself in the mirror which was reflecting a very human Greek god. A smile to make the ladies swoon, that voice which would be waterfall to one’s ears and of course who can forget the six pack abs?!?

Apparently somebody did! A voice teased in his head.

Perhaps he could take it as a challenge…something that might entertain him after a stressful day’s work, he very well knew Aurora was in some deep trouble when the corners of his lips tugged up to form that infamous smirk.

“Aurora Kingsley…Prepare to be charmed.” He said to the reflection and flicked off the lights.


Aurora stood in front of the long mirror, in front of her stood this bold and beautiful woman wearing a soft and silky white gown that would burn several hearts of other women. She wasn’t always like this…during high-school it was just bold, the beauty was just hidden somewhere, not wanting to come out but unfortunately noticeable enough to get rejected.

And once again here she was…confident on the outside, vulnerable on the inside…it had been only one week since she spoke those two words to Austin, and now she was getting married to him.

“If only lightening would strike the groom.” She mumbled to herself.

“What was that?” Candice, Austin’s little sister asked Aurora. Unlike Mr. Jerk-Face…Candice was just somebody you would love to have in your life, Aurora was glad she had at least one positive thing coming out of this marriage.

“I said if only I could get some of that delicious food.” Aurora lied. Candice simply laughed and walked away.

“You ready…your dad’s waiting.” Her mom announced. Strike One! Aurora nodded, accepted the bouquet from Candice and hooked her arms with her dad.

“You look beautiful honey.” Her dad complimented her, she nodded and they both started to walk towards the aisle. Her eyes met Austin’s…well more likely his smirk…like he knew something.

Maybe just the same old cockiness of the player, Aurora thought. Her dad let go of her and she stood facing Austin and that mysterious smirk.

“We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Aurora Gracie Kingsley and Austin Eustace Roux…”

Ha! Eustace! Aurora tried to suppress her laugh as the priest continued the vows.

“If there is anyone who objects to this union; please speak now or forever hold your peace…”

Somebody object! Aurora begged.

“Uhh excuse me?” A voice rose from the audience and an old lady walked towards the priest.

Yes! Aurora cheered. Thank you unknown lady!

The old lady went up to the priest’s ears and whispered something. The priest chuckled.

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