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"Well," I told the girls over breakfast. "I've decided I'm staying."

Vicky and Abby smiled but Elle looked weirdly relieved.

"Oh my god AJ, your face!" Vicky exclaimed. Just then I remembered the cut on my face. Abby got up and walked into another room. She came back with a damp cloth. She started dabbing at my face with it. It really stung. I hissed in pain.

"Oh sorry," Abby sympathized. Once breakfast was finished Abby went to work and Vicky and Elle decided to show me more of the town.

"So how old are you guys?" I ask as we're walking through the town centre.

"Well, I'm fourteen and Vicky's fifteen." Elle said."What about you?"

"I'm fourteen too."

We kept walking for a while until I saw some girls from my old school mitching off class.

"Oh shit!" I whispered. I quickly pulled up the hood on my jacket and ran down the nearest alley.

"What's wrong?" Vicky asked.

"I saw some girls from my old school, that's all."

We decided it best to head back home in case we saw someone else I knew.
Once we got home, we sat on the matteresses and talked about everything and nothing, until we heard an knock on the door. Abby went to answer it. We listened carefully to hear what was said.

"Hello miss, my name is Officer Smith." We heard a low male voice say.

"Hello Officer, how may I help you?" Abby replied.

"I was wondering if you've seen a girl, Anna Jane Jones, she has been reported missing?"

Me and Elle stared at each other. I mouthed "shit, what do I do?" to her. She just shrugged.

"No Officer, I can't say I have sorry."
I breathed out and mentally thanked Abby for not ratting me out.

"Well thank you for your time, Miss. Goodbye."

Abby shut the door and walked into the room as soon as she sat back down, I said "I have to go. Abby you'll get into so much trouble with the police if the fund out you lied."

"No AJ, you can't go, you'll have no where else to go," Abby said sternly.
I said OK but that I needed to get some air. I stood outside the back door and stared out into the darkness. After about ten minutes, Elle came out with a blanket.

"Here, you'll need this it's cold." She handed me the blanket and sat down on the ground. I sat down beside her and draped the blanket around both our shoulders.

"You know, you're different AJ. Ever since I met you I knew there was something special about you."

"Good different or bad different?" I asked.

"Amazing different!" she replied.
I blushed in the darkness and hoped she didn't see.

"I like you AJ." Elle said after a while.

I smiled "I like you too."

"I mean like like," she said.

"I know."We both looked at each other and giggled, a sound that usually doesn't come from my mouth. The next part happened in slow motion, she leaned in and I shared my first proper kiss with the girl of my dreams.

She was a surprisingly good kisser for such a shy girl. When we pulled away she place her hand against my face and rubbed her thumb against my cheek.

"Anna Jane Jones, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

"Yes!"I replied and I had never been more sure of anything in my life.
We got up and walked back towards the door. Before we reached it, I grabbed Elle's hand and intertwined my fingers with hers.

Once we got back to the girls we sat down on our mattress and giggled for a solid five minutes. When we stopped Abby and Vicky were staring at us like we had six heads.

"What happened out there?" Vicky asked. Elle held up her hand with her fingers still interlocked with mine.

"Oh!" said Vicky catching on. "Nice work Elle."

I smiled and realized I had made the best decision ever when I decided to run away.

That night night I slept in my side facing Elle, with my arm around her waist and holding her hand. I swear I didn't have a better sleep before or afterwards.

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