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Alex brought us to the skate park again the next day. Elle showed me some serious skating skills that I didn't know she had.

"I didn't know you could skate babe!" I said.

"Elle is an amazing skater," Alex said.

"I could try show you again if you want," Elle asked. I agreed but didn't have high expectations because of last time. I stood on the skateboard the way she told me and she stood behind me holding my waist. I pushed off with my right foot. When I got going Elle decided to let go of me. Needless to say, I fell. I cut both my knees and scratched my elbow.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

Elle helped me up and I brushed myself off.

"I have an idea," Elle said. "Why don't we go visit Vicky and Abby?"

"Yeah, sure," I agreed.

It was only a short walk to where they were staying. We were there in around ten minutes.

Elle knocked on the door and Tom answered. He smiled down at Elle.

"Hello sweetie," he smiled. "I presume you're not here to see me?"

"No sir, sorry" Elle replied. "Are Vicky and Abby here?"

"Yes, they're in the kitchen I think." He showed us down the hall and into a large open plan kitchen. Abby was unloading the dishwasher and Vicky was leaning up against the counter sipping coffee. Their faces lit up when we walked in. Abby put down her mug, ran around the table and pulled Elle into a tight bear hug.

"I missed you bitch," she said.

"I missed you too," Elle replied. "But one it was only like three days, and two let go of me before I pass out from lack of air."

Vicky quickly let go and fist bumped me as a hello. Abby walked over to us, pulled us both into a quick hug before returning to the dishwasher.

"Are you staying long girls?" She asked.

"Well we were only planning on staying a few minutes," I said.

Just at that moment, Tom walked in.

"Girls, you must stay the night," he welcomed.

"No I don't think we-" I started, but Vicky cut over me: "come on it'll be fun, like those sleepovers me and you used to have Elle"

Elle gave me a look that said 'come on what's the worst that could happen'

"Ok, fine" I agreed. "Just let me text Alex and tell her were not coming back tonight"

I quickly typed put a text to Alex:
From AJ: Hey we're going to stay with the girls tonight. I just thought I let you know that we're not coming home tonight.
From Alex: Ok. See you some time tomorrow.

When I looked up from my phone, Abby was standing in front of me.

"Do you want me to show you where you're sleeping?" She asked. I nodded. We walked down the hall and into a large-ish room with a double bed and a fold out double camping bed. I threw my bag onto the camping bed and walked back into the kitchen to ask if I could have a shower. I hadn't had a shower in days and was in desperate need of one. Tom showed me to his bathroom, a large room tiled with duck egg blue tiles. The shower itself was huge, almost like its own room.

I undressed, turned on the shower and stepped in. The water was soft and warm. I used a strawberry body wash and a coconut shampoo. I wanted to smell nice for Elle because all I've ever smelled like around her was blood, tears and sweat. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. I pushed open the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Elle was sitting on our bed with her arms wrapped around Vicky, snogging her face off.

                         THE END

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