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Quick Note : I may start swearing in this book, however it won't be anything super rude, and it won't be very often. Just when I feel it will better express a situation.


The weekend quickly passed. I found myself being woke up by my blaring alarm. Monday. I rolled out of bed onto the floor and eventually got up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face all while jamming out to One Dance by Drake. I got dressed, making sure to look at least decent because I have to impress my 'friends'.

I apply my makeup and straighten my hair

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I apply my makeup and straighten my hair. My hair is getting really long. I pack my backpack and hop into my car. I check my phone, and start the engine. I set my phone down, plug my phone in the aux cord, and I'm off. As I drive past Liam's house I see he's pulling out right behind me. I stop at the stop sign, as does he. There's plenty of different routes to my school. I took the long way because the short way usually has traffic backup at 7:30 in the morning. So does Liam. I decide to crank the music, which is normal for me so I can keep my mind off of the boy behind me. I broke the speakers the week after I got this car. It can go pretty loud. By now I'm on the second song in my playlist, Right Hand by Drake. If you don't already see the pattern, I love Drake. The bass is booming, I'm sure that Liam can hear it but I don't care. I'm singing all of the words and rocking back and forth in my seat. Other than the loud music and dancing, I'm a safe driver. I didn't even realize I was this close to school, as I pull in the parking lot. I get out, grab my stuff, and walk in. Believe it or not, these heels are super hard to walk in. But pretty hurts, and I have to impress these girls or I'm out of the friend group and have no chances with any cute guy. Ever.

I get to my locker and sort out my books for the day. I set my books in home room and walk around and talk to my 'friends'. Liam and his posse are hitting on Leah, the queen bee. I think she likes me. As in doesn't want to kill me. Her minions, Rachel and Chloe aren't too fond of me, but they don't hate me as much as Kate. Alex and Kate are on my level. Alex is a true friend of mine. Alex is the only person I can trust at this school. She never gets invited when Liam invites our 'squad' anywhere. Neither does Kate, and that's why Kate hates me. I shouldn't be invited to anything unless Alex and Kate are; I am anyways. If there was a pyramid of popular girls at my school it would be this:

Rachel Chloe
Me Alex Kate

Liam looks at me and smiles. I don't know what he's doing, but I don't like it. He starts to walk over to me as his 'bros' follow. His pyramid is smaller, and therefore strikes a competition between us girls. Another reason why Kate hates me. The boy pyramid is :

Ethan Jack

As the boys reach me the bell rings and I run off. I had the biggest crush on Liam in middle school, and he still thinks I like him. I don't. I just don't have respect for fuckboys. He has gone out with all of the girls in our clan except for Leah. And me.

I sit through morning announcements over the p.a. and go to my first class, math. At least I'm able to get it done in the morning than dreading it all day. Liam sits next to me in a lot of classes, including math. Most teachers assign seating by alphabetical order. Alicia Rideau and Liam Riedman. You could cut the tension with a knife. Liam knows, that I know he's pulling some crap. But I don't know what he's pulling. Sometimes guys drive me crazy. Next is chemistry, which I also have with Liam. Luckily we have mixed up seating in chemistry. I sit by this girl named Kira. Kira is nice, and really smart. I struggle in chemistry so she usually helps me with everything I don't understand. Next I have choir, and then lunch. After lunch I have English, after that History, and then Spanish. Then I have a study hall and the day is over. In study hall I got my math homework done. Thank god.

I pack up my backpack and exit school to go to my car. I see Liam parked next to me, which I hadn't even noticed this morning. He's just sitting there on his phone. I plug my phone into the aux cord and start blasting my music. I notice he flicks his head my way and grins. He is getting out of his car and walking towards me. What the frick? I don't know what he wants but it's getting weird. I look down at my phone and he taps on the window. I look up and roll down the window. I notice everyone in the parking lot looks at me because of the loud music, so I twist the volume button, so the music becomes scarce. Liam looks me in the eye and asks, "What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing, why?" I stutter nervously.
"Do you want to get food?"
I don't want to be a bitch, and I'll start a storm if I say no.
"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to go?"
"Follow me." He states and gets back into his car. He backs out and so do I. I let him lead me to a part of town I've never seen before. He pulls his brand new Mercedes into the parking lot of an old looking Thai food restaurant. How does he know that Thai is my favorite? This boy is hiding something up his sleeve and I don't know what. We get in and sit down. We start talking. He seems less obnoxious than I assumed and he's making me feel really special. Time whizzed by and its 9. I still have homework to do, so we decide to get heading home. After a 45 minute drive back to my house, I get out of my car and enter my house. He sent me a text at around 11 after I had finished homework.

It read : I had a good time tonight, let's do that again sometime. ;)


an // i hope it's getting better


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