Chapter III: I Thought We Could be Cool Together

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He could just leave them.

Nothing is stopping him.

They would never know.

But Bennett knew he wouldn't leave Declan and Jordan at school and drive off home. Despite how tempting it is.

He still wonders how he was given the job as designated driver but he knew it was a forced volunteer with him having a license and a car, or well cars. As to why he had to be designated driver in the first place- Well that's another story entirely.

Bennett was at the school's parking lot waiting for the others. He leaned against his car not wanting to sit inside. His poor car was roasting inside as it was baked in the sun's heat. He remembered how lucky he felt when he found the spot. Probably as much as the other guy who found it as well. But when he saw that Bennett was the one looking for the spot, the other guy backed out so fast he almost caused an accident when he nearly crashed someone else's car.

Bennett wanted to create an accident, revving his car straight at those two...

"Bennett!" Jordan's voice called out to him. "How long did you wait?"

Bennett spotted Jordan walking over towards him from the school, waving at him. He wore his usual smile, always looking like he was happy about something. Although it may seem like an admirable trait, sometimes Jordan would read certain situations wrong.

"Long enough," Bennett said curtly.

Jordan looked slyly at him, a look Bennett never appreciated as he never knew what goes on in Jordan's mind. "Long enough to miss me?"

"With every bullet so far."

He laughed and slapped a hand on Bennett's back. Bennett grunted and shot Jordan a look before looking forward at nothing.

Then a thought slithered into Bennett's mind. Bennett looked at the ground, not looking at Jordan as he debated whether he should ask or not.

"How..." Bennett trailed off, hesitating if he should ask, but continued. "How did you know it was me?"

Jordan stopped laughing and frowned. "What do you- Oh."

Jordan forced out a smile. Bennett felt a pang of guilt as he knew it was forced just as much as Jordan did. But Jordan didn't blame him for asking the question.

Jordan shrugged. "I saw someone leaning against this baby-" he said, referring to the car and petting it like it was such "-And I know no one in their right mind would lean against this car, much less your car." He paused and chuckled. "I mean, maybe pray to it..."

Bennett glared at Jordan. "Then do it. Don't touch my car like that. Now get down on your knees and worship my car."

Jordan grinned at that, a genuine one this time. Bennett couldn't help but give a small smile in return.

Declan came up to them with a questioning look at the two guys smiling at each other. It was one thing seeing Bennett smile, it was something else seeing him smile with Jordan.

"Did I miss a joke or something?" Declan asked them.

Jordan snorted. "Yeah, and you're the punchline."

Normally Declan would say something, anything back. But he just wasn't in the mood to beat anyone else up.

Declan didn't say anything. Instead, he moved to open up the car door to the passenger's seat. As he reached for the door, Bennett and Jordan caught sight of Declan's hand with its raw red knuckles.

Jordan glanced around, not seeing a crowd much less an ambulance. "Someone showed up to the... parking lot, afterschool?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

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