Three of a Kind- The Writing Process

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Welcome everyone to my first writing process chapter. Great for all of you to be here. Never done this before, but I'm kinda excited. Lots of readers have asked me to do something like this, wanting to know how I write and the works. So now... I am!

Below is the whole layout of the outline I used to write this story. Before I start my stories I would usually plan out the chapters or sometimes a whole short story in this format. My chapters would be divided to smaller sections (>) of big points like scenes. Then within each scene are the smaller details I come up with (-) . Sometimes I come up with entire lines in between as well.

Anyway enjoy!


Author's note: Explain. This will be the first chapter of the original version of the book. But I will write the boys' point of view of the new version of the book. First person for individual, third person omniscient when they are together. Usually I would make it all third person as that is the proper thing to do, but I want you guys experience first person then

> (First for each, Third when they come in) How each of the guys wake up; start with Bennett, Jordan, end with Declan picking him up last; little car scene then third person for school (6:30)
     -  Bennett: Bennett wakes up with the alarm blaring, he hits it and regrets it.
          - Gets up, noting his apartment and "her/she" supporting him; he cooks himself something and goes to school (maybe elevator to transition to J's mom)
    -  Jordan: Mom wakes him up with an air horn (and a whip cream to the face? Too much? Think about it later)
    -  Declan: Declan wakes up with the smell of breakfast the sound of cooking. Says good morning to his sister.
        - Note: Doesn't know gender yet, 18-20 weeks until gender known
> (Third) In the car, drive to school. Get out the parking lot then part ways
Yawn, make them yawn, cute
    - J: How did you guys sleep? B: Grunts but doesn't say anything. Someone got off the wrong side of bed. His king sized bed with imported silk sheets and-
    - J: School? Stayed up late doing homework, study for test.
    - J: Life?- Nothing; Mad, trying to make a conversation
    - Long awkward pause, driving
Arrive at school, bell rings. Meet up at lunch? J and D ditch B as he parks, making him sigh why he is the one with the car

> (Add later, if chapter can still be longer, add scenes of their different classes before lunch)

> (Third) Meet back up at lunch. Notice (Naomi) passing by but don't pay attention to her. Once again leave.
    - Eating lunch. Is this mystery meat? I thought they were only in movies and books. (Sorry, had to)
    - J: Why don't you make something B? Okay fine, I'll come up with something. Already planning
    - J makes fun of the food some more. Even points out food someone was carrying in joke.
    - Girl pass by them but they don't mind. Then suddenly hear a crash and see same girl on floor, dropped food.
   - Hear snickering. They turn to look, and see her took off and run out the door.
   - Cafeteria goes back to normal. Guys are quiet, not saying anything, looking down at food.
   - B stands up: I'm not hungry. Didn't even touch your food. I thought you didn't call it that. - They leave the cafeteria.
    - Nice school huh? You're the one who chose it. Hey, I wanted the other school, but they didn't want you, and I don't blame them. Why you- B stops them.
    - J: This school was the only one that accepted all three of us in second semester of our senior year. We wouldn't be in the mess in the first place if- Stops.
    - Bell rings. B asks them if they know where the 700s are. Ask them how he forgot. He's not used to the school, everything looks the same. He asked someone and they led him to it, but he forgot. J said one direction, D said the other. You guys are no help and walks in a different direction.

> (First) Bennett: Wonders why she is so hostile to him. He remembers how hostile he would be for people who treated him badly.
    - Was able to remember where his next class is, after accidentally going to the wrong class when it's supposed to be of another period. He quickens pace, hoping the teacher will let it slide
    - Crashes into Naomi. Hostile scene.
She leaves him wondering why she was so hostile. He remembers when he was like that.
    - I have my reasons, she has her own. He decides to forgive her, and hope she will find a way to not be as hostile

> (First) Jordan: Chem scene. Jordan being amused, liking to talk to Naomi; suddenly thinks of his "promise" to her
Mostly focus on quotes, add Jordan's thoughts
    - Thinks to himself he needs to talk to her, knowing that she might help him out with school
    - Remember girl for a moment (italicize, "I don't need your pity. (Makes him stop and remember, he said that and says) Didn't think you did."), quickly changes subject
    - Keeps remembering the promise. Calls to her to walk to her next class, but sees she was gone

> (First) Declan: Declan and Naomi, P.E. scene
    - Make guys locker scene quick, save me the embarrassment
    - Over hear guys talking about a girl. Messing with N, but he thinks just hitting on her, ignores it.
    - Waiting for teacher, purposely by himself. Shifting under his P.E clothes, having to ask for the schedule change when he is able to
    - Teacher comes, everyone races to sit down. D casually walks over to his assigned seat
    - Learns of soccer drill. Doesn't mind, just cares about who will be his partner. When everyone goes to get a partner, many kids come to him; he gives them a glare and they immediately walked the other way. He frowns at the test, seeing who was willing to go with him. Given a partner, doesn't care, just wants a good grade
    - Guy was all talk, trying to be funny. At least Jordan doesn't have to force humor, and was left only annoyed. When he gets in trouble, he gets really angry
Follow the rest of the chapter; skip the soccer game to save time
    - More reason of him defending her, though beating someone up. Not a bully, he's defending someone

> (Third) Meet again. Go to the parking lot. It was Jordan who made the letter, forging their names. Well, we haven't been to Starbucks for a while.
    - Jordan and Bennett waiting for Declan at the car. He finally arrived, Did he come? No, they never do. One day someone will.
- Bennett waiting at the car then Jordan arrives. They then wait for Declan who comes after
- They noticed Declan's knuckles are raw red. Did someone finally come? Looks down at his hands. No, it's about something else. They don't press further on it

> Go to the base
    - How to intro Naomi (?)
       - Bennett, school calls him telling he was late; accidentally pressed voicemail
       - Jordan telling meeting a girl in chem
       - Declan, J talking about his raw knuckles to bother him
- Bennett could have had his "guardian" for the attendance call, but he doesn't want to bother her; has his number instead
    - Bennett checking his phone and seeing voicemail notification; thinks it's his dad so he presses it without looking at it and gets up to leave to the privacy of his room
    - Surprised to hear a random voice, guys hear and ask him what it was. B tries to tell them it's nothing, they press, and he repeats message and does the speaker
    - Gasp, B late? Where has the world come to? Told you that way would take longest B it wasn't that, I was late bc something else. Pit stop? A girl? Bennett doesn't answer
- Jordan, speaking of girls, talks about Naomi but doesn't say her name. Declan then hears the name, stares at his hand
- He wants them to meet her
- B/D doubt she wants to see them again. They say no
- But its already too late as Jordan already left her that letter
- Why is he going through all of this trouble
- Jordan off to make a contract
- Hey, you're not going to make a lame catchphrase are you?

My Writing Process:
- Everything is on the Google docs but I wrote the other half in notes when I'm not at home
- Show you my writing process. But doesn't mean you should use it, though you're free to do so. Like your writing style, it is unique to you. I use this bc it suits me, as you should find a writing plan that suits you
- I make the main point of each scene like I do for each chapter. Then I make bullet points of what happens within the scene that can range from actions or direct quotes. It's quite messy but I can read it
- But you can see that I'm not very specific. It's because I improvise. Not really the best thing to do, and it's something I really don't recommend, as you are more vulnerable to writers block.  - (Exhibit A, this chapter) I just have the main point and begin writing whatever comes to my head. Thinks like Bennett's phone call, and Jordan and Declan's car fight was all from the top of my head. That's why they aren't in the notes, because I never planned it out. I think of my bullet points as checkpoints and I free write until I hit the next checkpoint.

Three of a Kind [Book 0.5 of TGGBB Series; Mini Prequel]Where stories live. Discover now