Because "Star Wars", that's why!

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Do you remember that scene in Revenge of the Sith where Padme says, "Anakin, you're breaking my heart..." ? Probably? Or you don't know because prequels! I thought her lines and actions in that scene didn't help her cause at all. Well, what if that didn't happen? How would have turned out? You'll see...



Anakin stood on the metal platform, breathing heavily. Magma flows surrounded the complex and the spot where the Naboo cruiser had landed. Its hull shone in the dim lighting of the volcanic planet, Mustafar. With a swoosh, the exiting ramp descended. Padme stepped off it towards him. "Ani!" she called out. He remained silent and stoic. She stepped closer. "Anakin!" she called, insistently, "Look at me..." He slowly turned his head to look in her direction. When she used his full name, he knew she meant business.

"What do you want?" he asked, still scowling. He paused and continued, "Obi-Wan sent you, didn't he?"

"I sent myself here, for that matter," she answered raising an eyebrow, "Ani, I want you to come back. You don't have to be this way... I can help you." Anakin struggled to answer. The dark side pulled at him, promising power... power to save her, but the light called back, Padme's voice telling him to search his feelings. He deactivated his lightsaber. Unexpectedly, Padme hugged the confused Anakin. At first, it surprised him, but eventually he accepted her embrace, thankful for her help. Obi-Wan stood on the ramp leading off the metal-plated spaceship, leaning on one of the supporting poles, watching the episode play out. He smiled. He knew there was still good in him. Padme took Anakin's hand and led him up the ramp. He stumbled and they both laughed. They entered the ship and the ramp raised behind them.

Meanwhile, in one of the towers of the mining complex, Palpatine witnessed the departure of the ship. Anakin, his Sith apprentice, was gone. He would need another champion...another Darth Vader.

Back on the ship, they were leaving Mustafar's atmosphere and setting the navigational computers. Seated behind the boys, Padme screamed in pain. Instinctively, Anakin jumped out of his copilot seat and ran to her aid. "Padme!" he cried. His outburst threw Obi-Wan off balance and the ship made a sharp turn, throwing Anakin back into the seat next to Padme. Once he had come to his senses, Padme looked down at her stomach and said, "We'd better hurry."

He merely replied with: "Huh?" She raised her eyebrows. He slowly stood up.

"OBI-WAN! Change the co-ordinates on the nav computer... to the nearest medical frigate!" she shouted to the cockpit.

"Okay. That's in the next system, we'll probably have to go into hyper- wait, what?" he turned back to see Padme shrugging and Anakin with his mouth dropped wide open. "All right, if you say so!" The burst of acceleration, as they went into hyperspace, knocked Anakin over onto the floor of the ship.

Over the roar of the hyperdrive, Padme shouted, "Oh, and tell Obi-Wan he's going to be the godfather!" After a few seconds, she screamed again. They exited hyperspace and pulled into the hangar on Polis Massa. Anakin picked her up out of the seat and carried her down the ramp into the cavernous room. Obi-Wan, who was trailing was reminded of his time on Mandalore, with the Duchess. He had once carried her to safety, only to drop her. She had reminded him of it not too long ago. The three were met by droids at the end of the hall and Padme was taken away on a stretcher. Anakin stood waiting in the doorway, in nervous apprehension.


Don't worry, there is a part two. Then you'll see what I mean by "Nothing's changed at all." Also, suggest other scenes from Star Wars and Harry Potter and other stuff that I should change.


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