Chapter 1

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I woke up really early today, and the funny thing is it's a Saturday... Like who the hell wakes up at 6 in the morning on a Saturday?!? Well obviously I do... I didn't plan on it, but the stupid moving truck next door woke me up.

And yes I did say moving truck. I personally didn't know that people would want to move into a house at 6 in the fucking morning! Who the hell does that!

Anyway...the people next door were yelling at 6 in the morning and woke me up. So right now I'm laying in bed mentally slapping myself. Ugh! Why did my old neighbors have to move. I mean they were old, nice and quite! Now I get loud ones, ugh that's so unfair!

Frustrated I get out of bed and decide to get dressed. Making my way to my closet I glance out my window to see the moving truck parked in the driveway of the hose next door. There's like 30 People running around carrying stuff. Ignoring all the commotion going on outside I pick out an outfit.

I decide to wear black leggings and a Pierce The Veil muscle tank. I put my clothes on my bed and begin to undress. As I take my shirt off someone wolf whistles. Looking out my window I see a guy about 17 or 18. He has blond hair that's styled into a quiff, bright blue eyes, and he's wearing a red flannel shirt with black skinny jeans.

"Nice body Babe!" He yells at me.

Not even giving a shit about what he sees or says to me I continue to change.

"Hey! What's your name cutie!" He tries to talk to me again.

Groaning I turn to look at this boy. "Why do you care?" I ask sounding like a total bitch but not giving a shit.

"Damn, your fisty ain't you?" He asks leaning out his window.

"You have no idea." I state simply walking to the window.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Aw damn he's a stupid one...

"Ugh! What do you want?" I ask getting to the point.

"Just wanted to know who I'm living next to, no need to be a bitch." He laughs.

"Well you don't get to know. And you might want to get used to the whole 'being a bitch' deal it's kinda my thing dumbass." With that I turn away from the window and walk out of my room leaving him speechless.

The New Boy Next Door (#1)Where stories live. Discover now