My neighbor is Suzuki Tatsuhisa

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Light filtered inside the room with the sun casting its glow on the sleeping brunette on the bed. Slowly black eyes peek from their hiding and when the sunlight reached her face, the brunette groaned softly. When she deemed it safe to open her eyes again, she blink slowly while yawning wide then slowly sitting up while throwing her covers. Stretching her limbs she made her bed then went straight to the bathroom. After her morning ritual Soujin prepared a light breakfast. "Guess I have to do some shopping today. Well I'll have my morning coffee for now."

When the caffeine had kick in her system Soujin started on her laundry and cleaning the whole apartment which took a lot of time so she decided to have lunch outside before going to the grocery store. Her lunch consist of cheese burger, fries and soda. She hasn't eaten fast food in a long time since it's either she will prepare food for herself or sometimes Kagami will bring food for Kuroko and her and also if Midorima or Akashi catches her eating fast food she will be scolded again. "Ah. I'm full. I guess it's grocery time, might as well get going. I wonder what I should bring them tonight?"

Grocery shopping is an enjoyable time for Soujin. It's always fun choosing the food you would like to store. She's been doing this ever since she entered university that's why she's fond of it. "But it would be nice if I have someone whom I can argue with when shopping for grocery." She stated with longing on her voice. She wanted to do this activity with the one she treasures the most. It will be much more fun that way, she thinks. Shaking that longing feeling she turned back to the task at hand since it's already 4pm.

After paying the cashier, Soujin carried the 3 big paper bags all by herself. "Ahhh. This is tiresome maybe I shouldn't have bought that much. It's a bit a heavy. And I can't see what's in front of me." She sighed, taking a taxi would be wasteful since the grocery store is just near her apartment. Having no choice she walked her way home which luckily she reaches without that much accident. When she's near the elevator she saw it almost closing, "Please wait a moment! Hold it please!"

She ran towards the elevator while balancing her paper bags. Good thing the man inside the elevator heard her. But when she got inside and the doors closed she tripped on her shoelaces and was preparing herself for the impact when she heard a shout and the impact she's looking forward didn't happen. "Be careful!" The man wearing a face mask and cap said. "Ah. Thank you." "Are you alright? Here let me help you with that." The man offered while taking her bags. "Ah! It's fine! It's fine! Thank you though. I'll handle that." She said a bit embarrassed at what happened.

"It's okay, it's not that heavy." The man reassured her while taking two bags with him. "Is that really okay?." She asked still unsure. The man nodded his head eagerly. "Thank you then." She bowed her head. "What floor?" The man asked her. "Oh. 8th floor." She hurriedly pressed the 8th button while asking the other. "Yours?"

"So you're my new neighbor." The man stated. "Eh?" "I'm on the 8th floor too. 803 to be exact." The man explained further. Soujin was a bit surprised at this. "Is that so? It's nice meeting you then." She bowed again.

"Nice to meet you too. I heard that someone moved in beside mine but I believe this is the first time we met?" The man said.
"Ah. That is true. I'm sorry about that. Work has been holding me down after I moved in." Soujin said bowing her head again.
"No need to apologize. So, may I know my neighbors' name?"
"Ah! How rude of me. Kazumi Soujin nice to meet you--?" Soujin asked also.

"Suzuki. Suzuki Tat-..." The man's words were cut off when suddenly the elevator jerked into a stop then the lights were suddenly gone. Soujin panicked. She's not good with this. Enclosed spaces does not bother her at all but if it's dark well that's a different scenario & also with someone she does not know.

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