Chapter 4- The house

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Chapter 4

A week has past since I met Dani and we had lunch. Turns out hes in 2 of my classes and ever since we have become amazing friends. I was passing all my classes with really great grades, better than any other year. Maybe this year would turn out to be better than any other year. It was now Saturday morning and Dani had invited me over to his house to hangout. We haven't really hung out other than at school and for lunch, but we text all day everyday. I never thought I'd become such great friends with someone like him, especially as attractive and funny as him.

I quickly got out of the shower, wrapping my cold body in a towel. I made my way to my closet as I decided upon what to wear. I decided to wear my favorite Being As An Ocean sweater and a pair of leggings, along with my Doc Martin boots. Once I was satisfied with my outfit, I went to my vanity and applied a small amount of makeup. I quickly threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my purse and keys. I went down the stairs into the kitchen and took my medication and had a bowl of frosted flakes. I started to put my dishes in the dishwasher until i was surprised to see a pissed off looking Stephan in the doorway.

"Going somewhere?" He spoke, reaching into the cabinet retrieving a bottle of asprin.

I nodded my head softly, not wanting him to ruin my good mood. I was really looking forward to today and I didn't need my stupid step brother to ruin it all for me.

"I'd argue with you but I have a massive hangover" he spoke walking out. Well that was a regular saturday morning conversation, but better than him yelling at me for hanging out with a boy.

I grabbed my things and got into my car, seeing as it was already getting close to noon. I quickly typed Dani's address into my phone and set it next to me as I pulled out of the driveway and into the direction in which my phone was taking me. Once my phone let me know i was getting close, I was scanning the house numbers as I drove slowly down an unfamiliar road. 224, 226, i passed huge houses, they looked like masions. 232, here. I turned into the driveway of the biggest house on the road.

It took me a little too long to snap out of my gaze at the mansion that was the house infront of me. I quickly fixed my sweater and grabbed my phone that was in the passangers seat as i slowly got out of my car, still in awe. Before i knew it, my feet were taking me in the direction of the front door as i left 3 solid knocks on the hard oak. About 5 minutes passed before I was suprised by a sleepy looking Dani, in a The Front Bottoms t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

''Hey! Sorry I just woke me up.. I slept through my alarm." he spoke in a deep raspy voice. Jeez this kid knew all the tricks!

"Hey, its alright! You could've called and I would've come later!" I spoke as he invited me into the most beautiful foyer I have ever seen. I admired the grand staircases infront of me as I began to take off my shoes.

"Oh you don't have to take those off princess" he chuckled at me as i slid my foot back inside one of my shoes.

"You have a really really nice house" I said, walking into a huge archway, reveiling the kitchen, dining and living room.

"Thank you, my dad built it after he moved down here a few years ago after he split with my mom and decided it could be mine when he moved back to London a few months ago" he spoke, leading us to the kitchen. "Want anything to drink?"

"Oh... no thank you" i answered back awkwardly, aware it was a touchy topic. He grabbed himself a bottle of water and led me into the living room. I was in complete awe. The ceiling had huge wooden beams and a massive sectional with a tv and fireplace. We sat on the couch and settled on watching reruns of "How I Met Your Mother'' as background noise to our small talk.

"How would you feel about meeting my best friends?" he broke the comfortable silence after watching our 4th episode.

"It would be really nice to meet them" I spoke with a genuine smile. Dani had talked about his friends all the time, I think it would be cool to finally know the kind of people he hangs around.

"Well, they're flight lands tonight around 6 if you want to come with me to the airport to pick them up?" he asked hesitantly, wondering if I actually wanted to be around them.

"Of course I'd want to! its almost 5, should'nt we be leaving?!?" I spoke getting up, having a rush of energy. He chuckled.

"I swear you're like my mom" and with that i lightly punched him in the arm as he grabbed his keys.

"Wait, what if I didn't want to go? You had this planned all along??" I asked, overthinking the situation.

"I figured you'd want to, didn't think that far ahead love" he spoke chuckling.

We piled into the range rover, blasted some good music and drove down the all too familiar roads to the airport. It was already 5:45 once we reached the area they'd be getting off the plane at. What happened next had me in pure and utter shock. 


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