A Very Vampy X-Mas

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"MOTHER! VINCEX TOOK MY GUITAR!" a little girl screamed out. She had bright curly orange hair and bright green eyes. Her name was Trixcelle Jojo daughter of Brick and Buttercup Jojo. she was 6 and a 1/2 years old.
"FATHER! TRIXCELLE STOLE MY DRUM STICKS FROM MY KIT!" a little boy screamed back. This was Vincex Jojo. He had pitch black hair and bright red eyes with a glow in the outer rim that was green. Son of Brick and Buttercup Jojo. He was 6 years old.

The two parents of these children were sitting in the living room. The wife leaning into him as she tried to sleep while the husband read a book that his wife had bought him. They were sitting on the red fur couch with the lights dimmed with the fire place blazing on the cold winter night. "Buttercup, baby, come on we gotta go solve another problem between the 'Christmas Twins'" the man with dark orange hair and blazing red eyes trying to wake up his wife. She was a beauty, she had long ankle length pitch black hair with bright lime green eyes and long lashes. She blinked her eyes open with a soft yawn "what time is it babe?" "9:00 baby" "what are they doing up anyway don't they have school tomorrow?" "sadly no, they just started their Christmas break""oh yeah"she sighed. Their conversation ended as they heard yelling go back and forth between their children. The parents sighed and got up, the husband put his book down while tying his red fur robe halfway close showing his hard rock chest and 8-pack his wife doing the same to her black silk robe that show a small amount of cleavelege and they walked upstairs into their wide hallway of their mansion. A clicking sound coming from the 5-inch pumps Buttercup was wearing and the dress shoes brick had on, both still having their work clothes on which consisted of for Brick, a black suit with a Ruby Red tie and a red rose in his right breast pocket.for Buttercup, she had a thigh lenght skin-tight dress with see throught tights on. The floor was pine wood while the wall was a smooth black with a red line in the middle and a green design about a foot apart from each other in side the red line. The doors were all black with a red door handle with a green circle around the perimeter on the base of it. There were chandeliers in the hallway ceiling that were red and gave a green flame illuminating a green glow around the hallway.
The two parents walked to their kids room which was one door that was black with a green design that said Trixcelle in cursive with a red line going under it and a picture of a little girl with a light tan and bright green eyes with orange curly hair that stopped at her shoulders with a black tiara with green gems in it that complimented her black dress and her pearly white smile that showed her small pair of fangs and her bright red lips and the face of her mother. Buttercup lightly ran her hand across the picture with a small smile while brick put a hand on top of hers and bring it to his lips and kissed it and then kissed her lips lightly. They then turned to their sons door which was also closed, but had a loud ruckus coming from it. The door had Vincex written on it in cursive in red with a green line under it and a picture of a smiling boy with pitch black hair that stopped between his shoulders and his ears. With his bright red eyes that looked like he was looking right through your soul with his pale smooth lips and his black crown that looked as if it were part of his hair, it had red gems in it and he was wearing a black suit with a red and green striped tie with a black rose tucked into his front left pocket. He had a small smile that showed his shunning white teeth and fangs that somewhat threw off the fact that he had his fathers face.
They looked at the picture in pride as they looked at each other and nodded while slowly opening the door and standing in the door way as they watched their children wrestle each other across the floor of the boys black floor. "Brick."buttercup said softly, he nodded and too a deep breath. "TRIXCELLE DIANE BELLS JOJO! VINCEX DIANTE LAUXUS JOJO! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Brick yelled, glaring at the now frozen children in the middle of the floor from their fathers voice. Buttercup took her hand and put it on his shoulder to calm him giving him a small look as if saying 'calm down, they're just children' she took her hand from his shoulder and kneeled down to her kids and helped them both up fixing both of their hair by combing it through her daughter bright orange hair, green eyes looking up to her mother filled with tears that were near being shed her mother wiped her tears generously and kisses her forehead. She turned to her son and no matter how strong he was trying to be she could see his eyes beginning with tears, as she did with Trixcelle, she wiped his eyes to stop any tears from coming down and kissed his forehead.
Brick stood stiff in the doorway while looking at his near crying children and stepped forward and grabbed Trixcelle in his arms while Buttercup smiled at Vincex and took him in her arms and the family went towards the tree that had yet to be decorated they set the children down on the couch as they looked at them in explination. The kids looked at each other, to their parents, back to each other, and then looked down "were sorry mama and papa.. we didn't mean to cause so much trouble" they chourused together. Buttercup and Brick looked at the twins closely, after seeing the apology was true, their looks softened. They kneeled down and opened their arms as the children looked up slowly and smiled running towards their parents as the parents embraced them in a loving hug that spelled out forgiveness "Now" Buttercup said as she ended the hug and looked at her children "why don't we decorate the tree together and make some blood sugar cookies. And no more fighting. It's christmas"she said the last part excitedly which excited her children as they ran around in their night clothes which for Trixcelle consisted of a small black nightgown and small slippers and as for Vincex consisted of black pajama pants and a night shirt, both clothes having the family symbol on it. They ran around looking for the Christmas orniments which were skls, bones, and fake hearts for the vampire family ornaments.
For the rest of the time the family spent time decorating the tree which gave Brick a mouthful of glitter from his daughter which ended up in a glitter fight between the entire family and when they saw the three when it was finished it looked beautified with a vampires touch. A black tree with green and red tinsel wrapped around it with a blast full of silver glitter over it and a bright white star on top. The fancy sat on the couch and drank hot-blood chocolate and blood-sugar cookies until the kids fell asleep in their parents laps with half a cookie in Vincex's mouth. Brick chuckled as Buttercup giggled as they picked the twins up and took them to their respective rooms and kissed them goodnight while the parents closed the door and went to their own room and changed into their own ettire which was somewhat like the children's with a few differences. Buttercup like her daughter had a nightgown, but instead of it stopping at her knees it stopped at butter cups thighs and as for brick it was exactly like his sons except he had no shirt on. They both put on their slippers on along with their robes and took a picture of the kids sleeping and the tree they had decorated while Brick cleaned the kitchen, Buttercup stared at a picture in her hands. "What are you looking at baby?" Brick asked coming closer to her "Just a picture"she said turning away from him. As he wrapped his arms story a her waist and put his head in between her shoulder and her neck and kissed it genuinely an delayed his head on it while they looked at a picture that had a 2year old Trixcelle and Vincex holding hands while Buttercup and Brick had their arms on their shoulders as they all looked at the camera, fangs n' all. Buttercup put the photo back in the album and smiled as she kissed her husband passionetly

at the bottom of the photo showed in near print it said

Have A Very Vampy Christmas Mommy and Daddy

The End.

Buttercup put the photo back in the album and smiled as she kissed her husband

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