Meet Katsuya Kamishita

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Name: Katsuya James Kamishita

Date of Birth: July 22

Age: 17 1/2

Blood Type: AB

Gender: Male

Family: Cousin(alive), Uncle(alive), Mother(deceased), Father(deceased)

Personality: cute, childish, funny, sweet, cool, sensitive, scary, kind, shy, bipolar, flirty, cocky, romantic, smart, dreamy, alluring, charming, calming, strong, affectionate, mischievous, natural, princely, naughty, nice, loving, caring, kind, brave, friendly, brotherly, devilish, artistic, and angelic

Relationships: Kyoya(childhood-friend), Tamaki(cousin), Mori(friend), Hikaru(friend), Kaoru(friend), Honey(friend), Haruhi(best-friend)

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: No one

Skills: Swimming, singing, dancing, fighting, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, making music, making video games, video gaming, coding, managing, art, writing, drawing, stetching, organizing, and knife throwing

Appearance: Short messy golden blonde hair, sapphire-blue eyes, and fair skin

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 75 kg(165 lb.)

Likes: Kyoya, Tamaki, Mori, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Haruhi, sweets, spicy foods, sour foods, sushi, fancy tuna, crab cakes, million dollar pie, tea, singing, shorts, boots, blue, red, green, orange, black, white, yellow, gray, and scarlet.

Dislikes: poisonous/dangerous animals and jerks.

Theme Song: Sarcasm(Get Scared)

Bio: Katsuya Kamishita is the son of Misaki and Asuka Kamishita. Katsuya grew up knowing the Ootori family including his childhood friend, Kyoya. He's also Tamaki's older cousin. Katsuya's parents thought it would be a good idea to move to America. Katsuya was forced to leave his old life and best friend but not without saying goodbye and leaving Kyoya with a kiss on the cheek. On the way to the airport, Katsuya and his parents got into a car crash. Katsuya's parents died the car crash when he was still little. Katsuya almost died from the car crash but survived. After Katsuya's recovery and attending middle school in America, Katsuya vowed to never stop looking for his best friend Kyoya. The one thing he didn't know was that Kyoya vowed to never love again. Katsuya is now the owner of The Kamishita gaming company along with his friend and butler Akihito.

The Cute Flirty, Bipolar Seme Type(Kyoya x Oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt