Meet Akihiko Tamoya

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Name: Akihiko Tamoya

Date of Birth: December 25

Age: 16

Blood Type: AB

Gender: Male

Family: Mother(deceased), Father(deceased)

Personality: cute, childish, funny, sweet, cool, sensitive, scary, kind, bipolar, flirty, cocky, romantic, smart, dreamy, alluring, charming, calming, strong, affectionate, mischievous, natural, princely, naughty, nice, loving, caring, kind, brave, friendly, brotherly, artistic, and angelic,

Relationships: Kyoya(friend), Renege(friend), Katsuya(childhood-friend), Tamaki(friend), Mori(friend), Hikaru(friend), Kaoru(friend), Honey(friend), Haruhi(friend)

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: No one

Skills: Swimming, singing, dancing, fighting, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, making music, managing, art, writing, drawing, stetching, and organizing

Appearance: Short white hair, ruby red eyes, and fair skin

Height: 5 ft.

Weight: 75 kg(165 lb.)

Likes: Kyoya, Tamaki, Mori, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Haruhi, sweets, spicy foods, sour foods, sushi, tea, singing, shorts, boots, blue, red, green, orange, black, white, yellow, gray, and scarlet.

Dislikes: poisonous/dangerous animals and jerks.

Theme Song: Mr. Simple(Super Junior)

Bio: Unknown

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