Chapter 3

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Note ; Thank you guys! I already have almost ten reads and I just posted this last night. Not that big of a deal but.... to me it is! I am taking a lot of AP classes this year in school, so im not sure how much I will be able to update this story... I will try about every other night? I would love to hear feedback! Tell me some ideas for my story, some tips, and some compliments? - ShaeXx

I didn't spend much time with Kollen that night, he was in his group of friends most of the time. Other times he would walk over to me and take me by the hand, leading me to a spot where we were alone. Kollen would hold me there, staring into the depths of my eyes. Five minutes into our conversation of flirting and giggling, making my stomache clench with butterflies, he would leave me to where his friends beckoned him. As he strode away, I couldn't help think how his eyes were ... hazel. A little of tinted yellow in the corners of his eyes. They have always been a dark, almost black color.

Eyes don't usually change like this...

What is going on?


I was back in the football stadium where the game was just and hour earlier. Ther bleachers were stranded. Why did Kollen send me a text to keet him here at ten? I don't really care, I guess. Just as long as it's just us again. I needed to ask him a couple questions; such as what the hell was going on.

"You know, Babe, I meant to meet on the whole other side of the stadium," a raspy voice had snuck up behind me. I whipped my head around to see Kollen standing about five feet away from where I stood.

"You know I'm bad with directions," I smiled. My smile soon disappeared when I realized Kollen wasn't showing any emotiom back. He stood there staring straight through my soul. Kollen started to creep towards me, an inch at a time. When we became nose to nose, he planted his palms lightly on top of my hips, swaying me back and forth. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck, sinking into the moment. When I opened my eyes, I was suddenly in a dress; Kollen in a flannel plaid shirt and tie. The tie was color corrdinated to match the dress I was wearing.

"Where are we?" I asked, almost to myself. As soon as I opened my mouth, I realized it was a rediculious question. Kollen and I were now swaying back and forth to a slow song in the main hall of the high school. It was the homecoming dance.

"Thanks for meeting me," Kollen whispered.

"Babe, how'd we get here..." I manadged to say, slowly. Ignoring my question, Kollen looked up at me. His eyes... they were a bright greenish-yellow now. No hint of dark brown in them any longer. The side burns by his eyes were flaring out with hair. The shirt he wore was now ripped from where his beceps have torn through. He smiled a very sly smile, showing large canine teeth. I tried to flee, but his large hands grasped my hips tighter and tighter; holding me in place. I winced in pain as his fingers started digging into my sides.

"Why are you doing this? What has happened to you?" I managed to speak out with a lung full of air. A single tear came out of my eye, trickling down my cheek. I brainstormed maybe if I show a large amount of fright and pain in my eyes, he might losen his grip and everything will be better. Will be like nothing ever happened that night.

But I was wrong.

Kollen - or whoever he was now - continued to slowly move me to the front entrance of the school into the dark corner of the school. His hands finally loosened his grip on my ribs and hips, letting me rip away from his grasp, but before I could run he shoved me to the ground. I threw out my hands in front of me, trying to catch the fall. Bending my wrist more than it should be able to. I rolled over wincing in pain holding my wrist, to look up and find Kollen... morphing. His nails have grown into sharp tips. His back arched, his spine ripping through the back of his plad navy blue shirt. His neck grew wider along with his shoulders. Grunting in pain, like he was trying to fight the morph, he got onto all fours, curling himself into a ball. I stared in amazement. I was so frightened, I couldn't move. I couldn't think of the situation; until it was too late.

Kollen stood up back on all fours.

It wasn't Kollen though...

The monster was a giant timber wolf. About four times the normal size of a normal wolf.

I scrambled to my feet, and opened my mouth to let out a scream of help. Before my raspy voice came rumbling through my throat, the giant wolf pounced on my back, knocking the wind out of me. Gasping for breath, I rolled over to see a large black nose and grey snout an inch from my face; yellow teeth snarling.

I didn't know what to do. So I tried what someone in the movies might do.

"I know you're still in there, Kollen." I cried out. "Fight this monster, please, for me. For me, Kollen! Caryssa! Please, if there's any sign of you in there..." I paused. Something in his eyes had softened. Almost as if they were trying to fight back the dark brown color of his eyes...

That soon faded. Quickly. The wolf shook his head, letting out a shakey howl. Almost as if it was laughing...

He threw it's jaw into my side, each tooth gripping into my ribs. I felt hot scarlet liquid soack through my dress, and donw my sides. I let out a scream and a gasp simultaneously, desperately trying to find the air to circulate through my lungs. The pain rushed through every inch of my body, as I tried to wriggle from it's grasp, but it's teeth only tightening. The wolf picked me up, my back bending in it's lower jaw, and sprinted off in the direction of the woods. I started to drift off, everything becoming blurry...

I'm not sure how long it was before the wolf set me down gently onto the ground, and looked towards me. His eyes, I had realized, were now a dark brown. And they were shiney, like tears were building inside. They spoke to me.

"Caryssa, I am so sorry... I had no control... please stay awake... I can make everything better, I promise..." The giant wolf shook it's head, cutting off Kollen's voice. The furry monster let out a sympathetic howl, and sprinted towards the woods.


I sat up gasping for air, gripping at my side. The teddy bear I usually sleep with was thrown half way across the room. Dreaming about Kollen can be really bad... but it has never been that bad.

I sat up in my bed, hands down on my matress for support. My wirst felt as if I had sprained it, like it had in the dream. I twisted it around in circles, pushing the thought to the back of my head.

I I started towards my door, I stopped at the third step I took. I had to gasp in a breath of air just so I didn't collapse to the ground lightheaded and in emense pain, but my lungs felt crushed by my ribs. Clutching my side, I stalked by my mirrior, lifting the right side of my shirt to show my ribs.

Four pressure marks, a half inch in diameter, were plated on my side. Each one between my ribs. The marks were purple, brown, and red. There was some white scars just in the center of each mark. My mind spun, racing from the thoughts going in my head.

The attack had only been in my dream. That monster wasn't actually real, it couldn't be.


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