Chapter 7

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Sorry for such the long wait, guys. I would love feedback and votes on this though, please! I'll post next when I have 50 reads and at least 7 votes...




I woke up to sounds of laughter in the darkness around me. Shots of pain ran through my wrists and ankles as I tried to rip free of the chair I was tied in.

"Look who just woke up?" Chuckled Lyza.

"Lyza, what are you trying to plan to do with me? I'm sure it probably won't work." I snapped.

He crossed his arms, spreading his legs apart a bit, steadying himself. Lyza threw a sly glare my diection. "Lyza is hidden in the dark spaces in this body now. I take control; I am the alpha male. I am the master." As he spoke, the voice from my head screeched out a horendeous laugh, ringing through out the walls, as if she's escaped. "And soon, the same thing will happen to you and your precious little Kollen!"

A hot raging anger sprung through my body from the threat towards Kollen. I wanted to rip her out of my head, so I could see how tough she really was. Before I could protest against the despicible voice in my head, Lyza -- or whoever has now taken over his mind -- snapped, "That's enough, Sandalio" And all of a sudden she disappeared from my aching head.

The man infront of me turned to face me. "For now on, you do not call me Lyza, and you certainly have not earned my respect for you to call me Master," he stated.

"Even if my life depended on it, I would never call you Master," I remarked. Ignoring my comment, he continued his speech. "You will call me by my spirit name, Bodolf -- the wolf leader."

He was interupted by a buzzing from a table text to me. My head motionless, I glanced over to see the light up screen; Kollen was calling. Bodolf looked at the phone, and back at me with anger in his face. Without taking his eyes off mine, he reached over and grabbed the phone, pressing his finger on the answer key.

"Hello," Bodolf answerd. He took the phone from his ear, pushing the speaker buton, letting my hear Kollen's harsh protective voice.

"Lyza? Lyza I swear to God, if you hurt her, I will personally break every bone in your body apart, and you can watch your own instines bleed out when I rip you apart to shreds." Kollen tested hastily.

'Lyza' chuckled, "You really think you can get to me, let alone control your wolf to get to me?"

"Babe c'mon you know you've almost got it, you can do it I know you can!" I screeched out unexpectidly. I soon regretted my choice when Bodolf threw his palm across my left cheeck, throwing my head to the side.

"I'm coming for you Lyza!" Kollen cracked out through the phone.

"Doubt that," he grinned at me, hanging up the phone and throwing it aside.


When Lyza hung up the phone, I threw my nightstand across the room. That deafening snap sound that rang through the phone into my ear, and Caryssa's gasp afterward, pumped my edrenaline making it burn through my veins.

Running out the front door of the house, I opened the drivers side door to my glossy black 69' SS Charger, and threw the key into the ignition, shifting into second gear. Looking down at my phone, i sped down the road towards the destination I had set. When Caryssa wasn't looking one day when she was over after I had admitted what I had become, I stuck a tracker in the back of her phone just in case a bad situation came into view.

Guess this was the perfect day to use it.

I looked out my windsheild, satisfied with one-hundred and five miles per hour on a seventy mile and hour road. My hands shook on the steering wheel with adrenaline; I would, and I will kill Lyza for taking Caryssa away form me like this. I swore to her I would protect her, and I am. I just wish I had gotten to the park earlier to kill him right then and there. Tears built up in my eyes just thinking of Lyza touching her, let alone hurting her. Clear wet droplets spilled down my cheeks, thinking of the way we used to be before Lyza had changed me, Caryssa and I. We had been so happy ... It seemed like nothing could get in our way.

Nothing will ever get in our way still, I promised myself.

As I steered my way around a corner, have almost reached the destination, I thrust my foot down on the break. Squinting my eyes, I noticed a furry object crossing the road, stopping right in the middle in front of my car. Its eyes ... they looked so familiar. Searching through my mind, I found a result.

Caryssa's best friend, Jessamine.

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