12~ Sticks And Stones

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I dragged myself down the hall, pulling my hoodie up once I saw the rain through the window. I was screwed. Andy had one of his exams today and my parents were both at work. I had no one to pick me up, which meant I'd have to walk home.

"Hey, Ariel! Wait up!" I stopped dead in my tracks at the voice. It was Jensen. The guy that had pretty much ratted my brother out for the drugs.

"What?" I asked through my teeth, glancing at the door beside us.

"I was wondering if you were coming to the game tomorrow?" I stared at him, a little shocked at the question.

"What? Why would I? Bren and Andy aren't there and. . ."

"Well, the guys and I think you are kind of our goodluck charm. Every game we won, you were there. It would be awesome if you could join us." I thought about it for a minute. Tomorrow was Friday, which meant Ryan and I were supposed to go out. I don't think he'd mind if we went to the first game since Bren died.

"So how about it?" Jensen gave me a pleading smile.

"Sure, whatever. I better get going." I pushed passed him and outside, meantally cursing myself when I stepped in a huge puddle. It wasn't raining, no it was pouring. The streets were starting to flood and I knew that I would probably get sick if I tried to walk home in this.

"What other choice do you have?" I muttered to myself. I sighed loudly and trunged through the muddy water.

"What the hell? Ari?" My head snapped up at the voice. Andy was in his Ferarri, his window rolled all the way down.

"Ariel, get in my damn car." He growled. I shook my head and countinued to walk.

"Ariel! Don't make me come out there and drag you in here." I wrapped my arms tighter around myself at his words. I stopped for a minute when I heard the engine shut off and a door shut.

"I said come on." Andy stood in front of me, his white shirt completely soaked and see through.

"Ari, let's go." He tried to tug me back toward his car but I pushed his hand away.

"You said you didn't want to be friends, Andrew. You don't care about me! I'm just Brendan's little sister or maybe now The Girl you almost raped!" I snarled, glaring up at him. He recoiled at my words and ran a hand through his soaked hair.

"Ari, please." He begged.

"Just go home before you get sick, Andrew." He stared at me, his lips parting.

"And what about you?" He yelled over a clap of thunder.

"I don't matter, Andrew. I. . . I don't care." It wasn't the way he winced at my words that made me stop. Or the way his eyes filled with pain. No it was the next sentence that left his mouth, that sent a shiver down my spine that wasn't caused from the cold.

"I already lost Bren, Ari. I can't lose you too." My breath caught in my throat.

"Go." I said once more before walking away as quickly as I could without slipping. I didn't it make it very far. I felt arms sweep under my legs and in the matter of seconds I was in Andy's arms as he carried me back toward his car.

"Let me go! Help!" I screamed, even though it was useless. The streets were dead, with the exception of a few cars passing by.

"You are so stubborn." He grumbled in response as he opened his car door. He shoved me into his Ferarri before walking around the car and climbing in himself, shaking his head like a dog.

"L. . let. M. . m. . ." I wrapped my arms around myself as I started shivering, my teeth clattering together so loudly that I bet the next down over could hear them.

"Shit. Here, put this on." He turned his heater all the way up before reaching in back and shoving a sweatshirt into my arms. I pushed it away.

"N. . . no." I muttered. He shook his head, huffing under his breath as we drove a few blocks. Once we pulled up to my house he shut the car off and turned to me.

"Ryan told me to come check on you. When I got t. . . to the school, y. . . you were gone." My eyes flickered from his lips to his own striking eyes as he spoke.

"I was relieved when I found you walking. I. . . I thought you got stuck somewhere. That you p. . . passed out or something." I reached for the door handle but he gripped my wrist.

"I. . . I thought about what my life would be like if that h. . . happened. I think I want to be friends, Ari. This time I mean it." I rubbed my arms, nodding.

"W. . . whatever. I. . . I better go." I snapped, climing out of the car. It was just my luck that he got out too and helped me up the driveway and into my house. I quickly took a shower and changed, sitting in the bathroom for a minute to warm up.

"Friends. That can work." I whispered, standing up and throwing the door open. I found Andy touching Bren's football on my bookshelf. It had been one of the things I had kept when my parents had the yard sale.

"He was amazing. He could throw like a pro." Andy said without turning to look at me.

"Yeah, I know." I replied quickly. He glanced over his shoulder at me and frowned.

"You're pale."

"So?" I asked as if it were no big deal.

"Let's go get you something hot." We walked back to the kitchen in silence, the pitter patter of the rain on the roof was the only sound in the house. My phone started to vibrate and I pulled it out to find Ryan calling.


"Did you make it home okay? I'm on my way over now. The roads are flooding, I hope Andy found you." I looked up as Andy laid a cup of Hot chocolate in front of me.

"He did. I. . . I want you here, Ry. My parents are on a buissness trip for the weekend and I hate thunder." Andy sat down in the chair beside me, giving me a strange look.

"I'll be there as soon as possible. Bye." I set my phone on the table without looking at Andy.

"Do you need me to stay?" He asked after what felt like hours of silence.

"Ryan's staying. I mean, you can if you want. I don't really want you driving in this." I responded. He nodded, watching me drink my hot chocolate.

"I talked to Jensen." He mumbled, his eyes flickering to the door.

"Okay. . .so did I."

"That pill bottle, Ari. Did you know what was in there?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, Steroids. But he didn't take them, Andy. You don't understand. . ."

"It would make sense, you know. It would explain why he was so fast." I glared at him, standing up.

"Stop! He was your best friend, Andrew! You knew him. Would Brendan Thomas ever take drugs?" I growled, slamming my fists against the table.

"No, Ari. . ."

"They weren't for him. He did do some with your cousin, but I knew about those. Andy these pills go way beyond just the three of us." He blinked in confusion, obviously not understanding what I was getting at.

"Andy," I leaned down on the table, "these pills belong to Coach Carter. He used Bren as a cover. He sells these pills to atheles, to other kids. Andy, don't you understand? Coach Carter would have let Brendan take the fall." I sat back down in my chair, my mouth dropping open as I came to a horrifying realization. But it was Andy who said what we were both thinking.

"You mean that the accident wasn't really an accident?"


Sorry for the cliffhanger guys. . .

Let me know what you thought!


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