21~ Make It Right

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"You'll be fine, Andy. You're just getting cold feet." I assured my boyfriend, squeezing his hand.

"It's the last game, Ari. It determines whether or not we go to the championship. My dad even said there are going to be scouts here tonight." I gasped, my eyes growing wide.

"That's great. Andy, they'll be all over you. You're bound to get a scholarship." He laughed nervously and kissed my hand.

"You'll be my good luck charm tonight." He said, glancing over his shoulder at his teammates who were calling him over.

"Yes, I will. Now go win this game, Andy." He kissed me before shoving his mouth guard into his mouth and jogging across the field. I stood there in the middle of it, my arms wrapped around myself as I watched him leave.

"Come on, Bren. Come on." I whispered, looking up at the sky. I heard my dad call my name and quickly ran over to join him and Andy's parents.


"Ariel, honey. Mr. Chastin is talking to you." My dad said, breaking me out of my daze. After Andy and the team won the game, the scouts had started to go and talk to some of the players. All the players except Andy who had immediately ran to the locker rooms to meet up with Officer Hayes.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm a little distracted." I replied, turning to look up at the middle aged scout.

"What is it that you were saying, sir?" I asked him.

"I was asking about your boyfriend. I've heard some great things about the boy. I wish I could speak with him." I nodded as he looked around the field, obviously looking for Andy.

"He's a great player. I wish he was here, too. He'll be out here soon. Maybe. . . maybe I should go get him." My dad grabbed my arm before I could run toward the locker room.

"Ariel, I don't think that's a good idea." My dad said, clearing his throat. I gave him a look and ripped my arm from his grip.

"I'll be fine, Dad." I gave them one last smile and ran off toward the locker room.

"No, Coach. Bren wasn't one to keep secrets." I stopped dead in my tracks in the middle of the locker room.

"So you. . . you know about them?" I threw my hand over my mouth to stop myself from gasping.

"Yes, sir. I do." I could hear my heart racing and just as I was about to move forward Coach's words made me freeze.

"And what about your little girlfriend? She was Brendan's sister, after all." I waited for Andy's response, my hands shaking at my sides.

"She doesn't know anything, sir. Bren and I didn't think it would be a good idea to involve her in it." Andy responded. I gripped the football rack behind me to stop myself from collapsing.

"You still want to do it, though? Kid, this doesn't add up. Why would you want to put yourself in danger? Your girl in danger? There was a reason Brendan was killed, Andrew." I moved a little bit, my mouth open.

"I need the money, Coach." No, Andy. No. Why would he make up such a horrible lie?

"Son, you have a lot of money. What's really going on here?" I shut my eyes, waiting for a response.

"Coach, I need. . ." I felt someone grab my arm and yank me forward.

"What are you doing in the boy's locker room, girl? I could expell you, I could. . ." I shook my head, trying to squirm out of his grip.

"We know what you did! You. . . what you made Bren do! You used him, because you were afraid of losing your job!" Andy was glaring at me, his hands clenched into a fist at his sides.

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