17~ The First Game

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"It feels so good to be back out here." Andy said, glancing around the field behind him. I smiled up at him, nodding in agreement.

"I bet it does." I whispered. He raised an eyebrow as he turned to look down at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I replied quickly, giving him the biggest smile I could.

"Is it Coach? Are you worried about him?" I shook my head, somewhat lying. He was only part of the reason I was worried.

"Ariel, I'll be fine. I promise." Andy assured me, almost as if he had read my mind. He reached up to fix the top button on his Letterman jacket, which he had pretty much forced me to wear, before tilting my head up with his index finger.

"It's freezing out here, Ari. You need to keep warm."

"Oh really? You expect me to believe that's the only reason you wanted me to wear this? You just want everyone to know I'm yours." I muttered. He smirked and poked my stomach.

"You've always worn my jersey or jacket, Ari. They've always known you were mine. Even before I did." I smiled.

"You better go, Jensen and Rett are giving you a dirty look." I replied, standing up straighter. He scoffed before leaning down to kiss me. I broke away quickly and pushed him back a little.

"Nope. Your mind needs to be on the game. I'll see you after it." He rolled his eyes but nodded and picked his helmet up off the grass.

"Yes, Ma'am." He kissed me once more before waving and jogging toward the middle of the field. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around myself and headed toward the bleachers. I took a seat beside Andy's parents, staring up at the sky. I waited until the game started to shut my eyes and ask for a favor.

"Please, Bren. Don't let anything happen to him."


"We won!" Andy repeated, as if it would make me forget about everything that was bothering me.

"I know! I'm happy for you." I said, throwing my arms around him. I could feel his whole body tense when I heard Coach coming over to us.

"Andy, come here!" He yelled. Andy took my hand and dragged me over to where Coach stood with Andy's father.

"It's so nice to have you back, kid!" Coach said, slamming his hand on Andy's back. I winced and moved closer to Andy. His grip tightened around me as he forced a smile on to his face.

"It's great to be back, Coach. Dad, I think Mom's waiting for us, we better go." Mr. McLaughlin nodded and bowed his head before jogging out toward the crowded parking lot.

"You two are together?" Coach asked, something a little more than curiosity slipping into his eyes.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" Andy snapped. Coach held his hands up in surrender and took a step back.

"I just think it's a little messed up, that's all. Having sex with your dead best friend's little sister." I launched myself forward, tears stinging my eyes.

"How dare you! How dare you say that? You don't think I'll. . ." Andy slammed his hand over my mouth and started to drag me away.

"You won't say a word, Ariel. Because if you do, your boyfriend will have to say goodbye to his football career." Then the coach disappeared behind the bleachers.

"I hate him." I growled, looking up at Andy. He was quiet for a moment as he turned me around and led me toward the parking lot.

"So do I, Ariel. So do I."

Honor (Kickstarting My Heart # 1) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now