Ice Cream & Cuddles

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Nikki stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror and in her opinion she looked like a hamster. Her cheeks were swollen and if this would've been the only thing that bothered her, she'd been okay with it. But she was in pain and she have had to spit blood three times within the last hour. Wisdom teeth surgery sucked. Nikki was back home from the dentist since four hours now and really hoped the pain and that blood spitting would pass really fast.

With an ice pack and some painkillers in her hands she went back into the living room to lie down on the couch once again. When her phone vibrated, she grabbed it from the coffee table. There was a text message from her boyfriend Matthew.

How are you feeling, honey?

Nikki grimaced and quickly texted back.

I look like a hamster and I'm spitting blood. Just took painkillers. Can't wait for you to come home again.

She pressed send, put her phone away and curled up on the couch again. It would take another few hours until Matthew would be home again since he was currently directing one of the Criminal Minds episodes. And Nikki knew that whenever he was directing, he could forget about time easily. So she closed her eyes and hoped she'd feel better when he was home.

"Hey, baby." Soft hands were stroking Nikki's swollen cheeks and she had quite a hard time to open her eyes. She'd fell asleep only two hours ago and wasn't really happy about being woken up right now. "Matthew." She tried to smile but totally failed since she was still in pain. "Is there something I can do for you?" He asked as he tucked his shoulder-length hair behind his ear. "Can you bring me a new ice pack?" He nodded and stood up. He reached his hand in Nikki's direction so she could give him the ice pack, which was actually warm right now. She leaned back again, carefully touching her face. She'd known it could hurt and she might spit blood but it already started to annoy her. Plus, she was hungry but not able to properly eat something.

When Nikki heard noises in the kitchen, she lumbered in there just to see Matthew taking a look into the fridge. "What are you doing?" She quietly asked and he winced; he hadn't expected her getting up from the couch. "I'm searching for some yoghurt or ice cream for you to eat." He murmured and then closed the fridge with a slightly disappointed expression on his face.

"Ice cream would be amazing..." Nikki sighed and took the new ice pack out of Matthew's hands. "I can hurry and buy you some." He suggested while he led her back into the living room. "I know how you're feeling, I had a wisdom surgery some years ago and had to suffer as well." He gently rubbed her back and placed a kiss on her forehead. Nikki smiled. "You just came back from work, I don't want you to go out again just because of me."

"I don't mind, really. I just want you to feel better." Matthew said and kissed her gently. "I'll be back in a few minutes!" Without giving Nikki any other chance to protest, he rushed out of the house again. She let out a sigh and walked back to the couch. Matthew had always been a caring boyfriend and that was something Nikki absolutely loved. She just felt a bit bad that he had to go out again just because she was whiny and wanted ice cream. He must've had a though and long day at work and it hadn't been her intention to send him outside just after coming back home.

Just after she'd taken another painkiller, she heard the front door open and close again. Matthew was back, holding two jars of ice cream in his hands. "I've got vanilla and strawberry. Your favourites." He smiled as he walked into the living room and let himself sink next to Nikki on the couch. She smiled back at him and grabbed one of the jars. "We should put the other one in the freezer before it'll melt." She said and he rushed into the kitchen to put it in the freezer and grab another spoon. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked as he returned and she shook her head. "Of course not." So they both sat on the couch, Nikki cuddled in his arms and ate vanilla ice cream. "Does it your pain any good?" Matthew asked a few moments later and she nodded. "Yes, it feels like it's getting better." She placed a kiss on his lips before she continued eating the delicious, sweet ice cream.

Nikki had spent the whole evening on the couch with Matthew, watching TV and cuddling. Hours later she was lying in bed trying to find some sleep while her boyfriend was already sleeping next to her. She could hear his steady breathing. And she rolled over to watch him. With a gentle gesture she put some hair out of his face – he mostly slept resting on his stomach and it always happened that his hair fell into his face as soon as it was a bit longer. Nikki liked it that way. A smile appeared on her face and she scooted closer to Matthew. In his sleep he wrapped an arm around her waist and now she finally felt the calm taking over her and soon she fell asleep.


Two days later Nikki started to be annoyed. Although the dentist had told her that it could be possible that she'd be in pain for almost a week and not able to eat anything except yoghurt, soup or ice cream, everything she wanted now was a pizza. She also felt really ill today like she'd catch a cold or something like that.

"Hey honey, are you okay?" Matthew's worried facial expression somehow told Nikki that she must've looked like death itself. "I feel bad." She murmured and crawled back into bed while her boyfriend was getting ready for work. He came over frowning and put a hand on her forehead. "Hmmm....I guess you're having a fever."

"What?" She sat up again. A fever? For a few seconds she was wondering where this could come from, because she didn't have a cough, she didn't have a headache or growing pains...but then she remembered, that her dentist also had said that some people got a fever from wisdom teeth surgery. Nikki lay back once again and cuddled into the duvet. "It will go away soon." She murmured and fell asleep just a moment later.

When she woke up the next time there was some soup standing next to her on the bedside table. It was still warm and she was wondering who had come here and make her soup since Matthew was out at work. She carefully grabbed the soup and found a little handwritten note next to it. It was Matthew's handwriting; she'd recognize it out of thousands.

I had a little break and thought I'd come over and bring you some soup. I hope you're feeling better. I love you. Matthew.

There were days Nikki didn't know how she deserved someone like Matthew but she was so thankful for him that she was at a loss of words sometimes. And today seemed to be one of those days.

She slowly ate the soup, which tasted delicious and she started to feel better again. When she had finished she grabbed her phone and sent Matthew a short message.

Thanks for the soup, Matthew. It really made me feel better. I love you too.

After sending her text his way, she slept for almost the rest of the day, trying to recover from that surgery and the fever that had caught her. Soft lips and whispered words woke her up sometime and when Nikki opened her eyes, she saw right into Matthew's eyes. "Hey. Are you feeling better?" He asked before he leaned down to put a kiss on her lips. She nodded and sat up. "Much better, thank you. How was work?" Matthew sighed and crawled on the bed to join her. "It was good. It has been a lot of fun but also kind of exhausting." He said as he wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer. "The episode's almost finished." The proud and happy smile on his face let Nikki's heart melt. "I'm sure it's gonna be an amazing episode. You're a great director." She stroked his cheek and he kissed her once again. "Thank you. And now we have to make sure that you'll be fully recovered very soon!" He smirked and she just put her head on his chest while closing her eyes. With a boyfriend like him she was sure she'd recover fast.

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