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It's a sunny day , A perfect weather to come outside and walk around the world for a view.I can see that Couples are  dating and enjoying the moments as I walk alone in the Place of Burgeon.

It is a kind of garden where different kinds of flowers were scattered all over the patio.It's a lovely place for me to relax and to savor the day.

I made my walk way through the daffodils So I can pick some and bring them home.I was only half away when someone suddenly came out from somewhere else and stopped me abruptly.

I felt annoyed as I look at him with all the irritation plastered on my face.

"What are you doing, you Idiot man? " I asked him.

"Oh, Sorry I thought you are my friend, you look like her" He said with a surprised look in his face.

I once grimace on him before saying "Excuse me"  and continued walking.

I started picking daffodils and carry them on my right hand.I'm busy collecting them when I suddenly felt someones presence beside me So I lift my head to see who is it.

"What? " I asked knowing that it's the same man who showed up infront of me awhile ago.

"You like daffodils?"  He asked instead.

"Is'nt obvious? Oh,Maybe I hate daffodils So I picked some of them to bring them at the garbage bag" I said sarcastically.

"I'm just asking okay?  Fine I'm sorry again if that's the matter"

I did not bother to reply on his sentence anymore, When I was done picking the daffodils I stood up from sitting and walk behind him.Leaving him without saying anything....

THE next day is just the same, The sunlight is bringing a sunny scenery at the surroundings.The birds are whistling and the flowers are blooming.

I decided to go outside for a walk when I noticed something infront my my door's house.
There's a piece of daffodil that was laid there with a small sticky note on it.I bent to pick the flower and look at it like I'm examining every part and petals.

'Good morning beautiful, Daffodil for you'

I frowned on what was written on it, what does this mean at all? Did someone brought this here for me? I can't sense anybody who is going to bring a daffodil at my house.So where did this came from?

Ah,Nevahmind.I just put the daffodil at the flower base before going out.I'll go to Burgeon to pick daffodils again.This became my routine actually,Bringing daffodils at home.


I startled a little when I suddenly heard a baritone voice behind me.I slowly turned to see who greeted on me.But it was a wrong move beacuse I just saw an annoying monster.The monster I saw  yesterday.

"What kind of bad atmosphere brought you here? " I said.

He smiled at me geniunely and that made his dimples appeared , making me noticed how handsome this man is.

"Did you ever think before you said those words to me? No one did ever dared to talk to me that bad"

My eyebrow automaticaly raised as I've heard what he said.

"It seem that you're bragging Mister, and what did you say? No one dared to talk to you badly? So I must be proud that I am the first beautiful woman in earth that dared to"

He just grinned on me and eyes are still stocked looking at me. Is this man crazy? He must be Insane.The last time we met he acts like an idiot.

"Yeah,I should be mad at you right now for being cruel on me but I don't know why I'm liking it the way you do" He said grinning.I just frowned at him and turned my back to avoid his gaze.

Daffodils (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now