Oh No

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Emma's P.O.V

Tears were about to spill, oh my God... when did this happen!

Oh no no no no no!

"Em? " he asked maybe wondering, why am not excited.... oh no suppose he finds out... I better cover this up quickly.

I gave him a hug as the tears began to fall, I tried to use that little time to wipe the tears but they wouldn't stop.

Khalil's mine.... no Emma, khalil's Lisa's.... I cried harder....

"Am sooo happy for you lil... full time for you to actually get a girlfriend right "I said to him as I pulled back with a fake laugh....

But I know I can't really hide anything from khalil... after all he's my... bestfriend

He chuckled "You're still upset from earlier, I get it your still frighten up.... hear what? go get some rest... I'll come spend the day with you tomorrow okay "He said cupping my face... I nodded.....

I can't let him find out about my feelings.... am not ready to lose such a great best friend because of some feelings that came up!

Maybe I can just avoid them and push them to the back of my head right? of course! and then they'll just go away!

Yea! that's it....

I went up to my room after khalil left... and fell asleep as my head hitted my pillow...

***Next day ***

Emma's P.O.V

I was cuddled up hugging my pillow,in the coach, staring at a photo of khalil and I....

We looked so happy together.... as bestfriends... I really don't wanna mess that up...

In the picture Khalil was braiding my hair... my hair looked awful... he looked like he was in deep concentration but I was laughing or giggling... I don't quite remember...

Now he's got Lisa.... There're a couple now... he's gonna forget about me soon... and the worst thing about this situation is that... during these pass two years... I started growing feelings for khalil...

I didn't know I was crying until I saw a tear drop fell on the picture...

I whispered a short prayer in my mind
'God... I really don't want to lose him... he's the only one that actually gets me.... please don't let him ever forget me
cause if I lose him... I.... I... no my heart.... with shatter in a billion pieces and won't be able to be fixed.... please God... please '

I heard a knock at the door... I hesitated remembering what happened lastnight... My mom noticed this and gave me a kiss on the forehead then she went to get it...

"Hey lazy bum! watcha doing? " khalil asked as he sat down beside me throwing his... feet in my lap next grabbing the remote.... "Well goodmorning to you too Mr. Owner of this building "I replied sarcastically... he chuckle.. then nod "Yup great comeback but whatever "He said looking down at his phone typing.

it's been half a hour since khalil 's been here and he's soo distracted with his phone...
"Who you texting? "I blurted out before I could stop it from coming out...He looked up at me "Lisa " he said simply.... of course there're a couple remember Emma?

My heart sank in my chest but I just nodded but then I remembered he wouldn't see me because he's so busy texting...

I decided to watch tv and leave him alone....

"Oh Em you wouldn't mind if Lisa gets a job with us too right? "khalil asked me all of a sudden... I felt like someone stabbed me with a knife.... in my heart..

"Nope not at all" I managed to sqeak out... he nodded then got back to texting.... That was suppose to be our thing summer OUR THING like me and khalil ALONE!

but no.... Lisa got to get involved!!!

So who are y'all shipping
Khama or khasa

Ohhhh Lisa is slowly but surely just taking her tiny time squeezing between khalil and Emma... but the drama continues...

Until next chapter... am your girl SHANIQUE!

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