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Meeting the Weasley twins during a detention in first year was possibly one of the most exciting things to have happened to you since you started Hogwarts. You'd only grown closer to them over the years, though it was Fred that you were closer to, who you felt closer to as he was always there to make sure that you were all right. But, over the past few months, you'd begun to realise that you liked him more than just a friend. You cared deeply about him, and a part of you hope that he felt the same way – but if he didn't him remaining as your best friend was enough.

You were rushing towards the library, needing to hand a book back before Madam Pince complained at you, but paused when you heard Fred.

'George, I've never felt like this before,' he said, a sigh to his voice.

You were torn, wanting to make sure he was all right and part of you wanting to hurry on, thinking that you shouldn't listen in. However, you couldn't help but notice the sadness behind his voice. You couldn't just leave it.

'Hey,' you said softly, moving towards the two of them, a small smile on your face in an attempt to settle them.

'Jeeze,' breathed George, placing a hand lightly to his chest in a show of fake fear, 'you need to learn not to sneak up on people.'

'And then how would we get away with some of the pranks?' you asked, moving to sit on the other side of Fred. 'What's up?'

Fred sighed, focusing his attention on one of the flagstones in front of him. 'There's this girl that I really like,' he admitted in a small voice, and you felt your heart sinking.

You were thrilled that there was someone he'd fallen for, someone that you hoped would make him happier than you'd ever seen him. But a small part of you was saddened by the fact that it wasn't you.

'I mean, the way her eyes sparkle when she's talking about things she loves. When she speaks about things she's passionate about you can tell that she really does mean it. The way her smile lights up her face, makes her look all the more beautiful. I mean, she's beautiful as it is. I just... I don't know how to tell her,' he explained, his attention finally slipping up to lock with yours.

'That's – that's great,' you said in a small voice, as George said: 'Just ask her out.' He clapped his brother lightly on the back. 'Tell her how you feel. What have you got to lose?'

Fred shrugged slightly, but you could tell that he was really worried about something.

'Who is it?' you asked, trying to push aside your own feelings and focus on him.

Fred chewed on his lip for a moment, looking more nervous than you'd seen before.

'You know what?' said George, clapping Fred on the shoulder and standing up. 'I just remembered that I have to help Lee with something.'

You frowned at him, watching as he moved away, shooting a knowing look over his shoulder at Fred, though.

Fred let out a long breath before slipping his hand lightly into yours. The contact shocked you slightly, and you turned your attention back towards him quickly. You furrowed your brow.

'The girl I was talking about,' he said slowly, his eyes locking with yours. You thought for a moment that they strayed to your lips, but disregarded it as your imagination. 'Was you.'

You blinked dumbly a few times. 'What?'

'It was you. I love you,' he said again, a small smile slipping onto his face as he lent in a little closer. You could feel a smile growing on your own face, and lent towards him as well. There were butterflies in your stomach as you kissed him.

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