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You walk into the great hall, yawning, looking around. You feel like a mess today, hair in a messy ponytail, you tie untied and shirt hanging over your skirt. The summer was coming, but so was O.W.L.s, and it was killing you. You sigh, not seeing any of your friends, and walk over to the ravenclaw table. On the way though, you nearly get knocked over by a tall, ginger haired boy, as he hurries past you.

"Watch it!"you growl, not in the mood to be pushed around. And when you see who it is, you just roll your eyes.

Fred Weasley was in your year, and you had some classes together. And when you were actually in class to learn, he, his twin and their friend, Lee something, where always loud, careless and annoying. The two of you had actually been paired of for an assignment once, and you nearly killed each other, not able to agree on anything. And the worst part was that he wasn't even stupid, just lazy.

"Sorry y/n, didn't see you there!" The voice dragged you back to the present, and you raise your eyebrows. So you where that invisible, huh? Great.

"Whatever..." you mumble and walk past. You'd never admit it, but it kind of... hurt, when he didn't notice you. Whatever. Jerk.

Later that day, you're walking out of Snape's classroom, tired and grumpy after a rather bad class. You had this class with Gryffindor, which meant Fred was in it. But this time, he hadn't been making any trouble. At first you thought he was taking notes, but then you realized it looked like he was... drawing?

Full of surprises, that one.

As you walk towards the Great Hall to meet your friends for dinner you feel someone tapping your shoulder. You turn around, and to your surprise, it's Fred.

"Uhm hi, Y/N?" He starts, looking uncomfortable.

"Yes?" you answer, impatiently. You where hungry, after all.

"Uhm, so you're pretty good at elixirs, right? I just... would you mind helping me with the last assignment? I'm kind of screwed..."

You look at him suspiciously. A prank. Or a bet. It had to be.

"I'm kind of really busy myself Fred..." you begin, unsure about this whole thing.

He sighs. "I know, I'm sorry. Shouldn't have asked..."

You immediately feel bad, and roll your eyes a bit. Some alone time with him wouldn't be the worst, you guess.

"Fine. Meet me in the library at lunch tomorrow, we'll se what we can do." you say, before turning around, with a small smile.

The next day at lunch, you walk into the library, and to your surprise, Fred is already there. You sit down next to him, seeing a bunch of notes, and his books, all ready.

He lights up when you walk in, and makes room for you.

"Hi Y/N, sorry about the mess..." he starts, and you shake your head. What had gotten into him?

"It's no problem." you say as you sit down. "But, would you mind finding this book? You ask, pointing to some notes. "I'll go through your notes, and then we'll se, okay?" you ask, trying to be friendly.

He nods, and goes to find the book, as you shuffle through the notes. Suddenly, a sketch catch your eyes, and then another one. Was this... you? Or, no, not just you. Your eyes, your hair, your face, even your cat!

Just as you start to freak out, Fred comes back waving the book triumphantly. But when he sees what you're lokking at he suddenly snatch the papers from you.

You look up at him with raised eyebrows. "Was that what I think it was?" you ask, with a small smile.

"Nope." he says simply, sitting back down. "Not. At. All."

You just grin, shaking your head. Full of surprises, that one.   

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