2.) Again

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Heart breaking to pieces,

Surely this pain can't increase.

But you always prove me wrong,

Time and time again.

You say you understand my pain,

Again and again.

I'm sick of hearing what you fantasize,

When I know they're all lies.

Can you hear my screams?

Behind all these broken dreams?

Blood racing through this broken heart,

Can I still hit restart?

Heart shattered;broken,stolen.

Can I feel whole again?

Finally breaking out of my battered shell,

I can once again see past my personal hell

I can hide these terrible sins

Behind a strained grin.

Putting behind the past

I just hope this smile can last

Pieces are still missing from my soul.

I'm happier than before but I'm still not whole.

I can live knowing I won't make the same mistakes

Ever again

Never again

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