chapter 13: jealousy

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Chapter 13:
Angela's pov:
Max and I were at the center of the dance floor, when a piano song started to play. The soft melody with which it started, made Max and I start to dance the waltz.
"Angie, do you remember the last time that we danced the waltz?" Max asked.
"It was in my mother's birthday party, and it was quite funny, because I had barely learned how to dance it and I kept stepping on your shoe." I said chuckling at the memory.
"Yeah, but in the end we had a good time at the party, while I ended up with a kind of swollen foot." Max said smirking and looking at me.
"I remember and I'm still sorry about that incident." I said apologetically, lowering my head only a centimeter.
Max raised my head with his finger under my chin.
"Don't worry, it doesn't matter the pain that I have to go through, the only thing that matters to me is that I get to spend time with you. My dear Angela." He said while looking straight in to my eyes.
I send him a soft smile, and we then noticed that the beat of the song had risen. We then danced a little faster yet it was at the same pace as the piano song.
While we were dancing I couldn't help but feel a person staring at me.
I then turned to the source and saw that Andrew was staring at me, while he glared at Max.
What is wrong with him? And where is Caroline, his date? Wasn't she with him?
I ignored the gaze and continued to dance.
The song was beginning to end, when Max picked me up and twirled me around. I just laughed at how ridiculous we probably looked.
When he put me down, we just continued to waltz till the end of the song. When the long note of the song was played he slowly placed his hand on my cheek, and started to lower his head.
When the song finished, his nose lightly touched mine; his lips about to touch mine. But we had gotten interrupted by Andrew's voice.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked while raising an eyebrow at me, but glaring at Max.
We both parted immediately, and cleared our throats.
"No sir, we were just dancing to the music." Max said annoyed.
"Well since the song ended, you wouldn't mind that I dance with Ms . Bradshaw, would you?" Andrew said giving Max a daring look.
Max looked like if he was a little boy and his birthday party got spoiled, angry.
"No, not at all", Max said not trying to look mad. But I could tell he was trying not to say anything to Andrew since Andrew was his boss.
At just listening to his response, Andrew got my hand and spun me around.
"Where is your date, Andrew?" I asked.
"Well, she is talking with my mother about organizing some event." He explained.
"Well, for how long have been dating her?"
"Um..for 9 weeks" He said nervously.
"So you guys are still going strong. That's nice, nowadays many people don't last long for multiple factors." I said giving him a smile.
The song started to play and we were standing at the center of the dance floor. The song was not only of piano but with accompaniment such as violin and many other instruments.
Andrew bowed down to me offering a hand to me, while I did a curtsy and accepted his hand. He lightly kissed my hand, and we got ready to dance the waltz.
"How has your family been doing Angel?" He asked me.
"Angel? Really?" I said in an annoyed tone.
"Yeah, that's going to be my new name for you" he said smirking.
I just shook my head and spoke,"That's nice, and my family has been great they're right now taking some vacations in the ranch. I do plan to go with them after some time that I work here. How about your family?"
When I asked that, we stopped dancing and then spoke,"Well how about we ask them?" He said guiding me to a table where a couple was sitting in with Caroline by the woman's side.
"I don't think right now is the perfect time to meet your parents Andrew." I said.
"Why?" He asked
"Because our companies are rivals, and I can't leave Max alone." I explained.
"For one, tonight we are not talking about companies being rivals we're talking about the existence of my family's company. And two, Max wouldn't mind." He said dragging me to his parents's table.
"How would you know that Max doesn't mind? Did he tell you?"
"No he didn't, but there were many clues that made it evident needed to be alone."
"What clues are you talking about?"
"The fact that he let you come with me." He said in a duh tone.
"He let me go with you because he did not want to be rude." I explained.
"Really?!" He said then he pointed to something or better yet someone behind me.
I turned around and saw Max talking with a girl with dark brown hair wearing a red dress; and may I add they were too close for my liking.
"Don't worry Angel, they're probably just friends after all you do know her don't you? If you didn't well, I would think that both of them were a couple." He whispered in my ear.
"I need to go Andrew", I said without even waiting for a response from Andrew.
I walked fast towards Max, and then glared at him.
"Hello Max, would you care to explain who this woman is." I said in a serious tone.
Wait, why am I acting like this?
I can't be jealous, can I?
"Angie, Marie is just a woman that was sitting here all alone at the bar; so I just decided to give her company." Max explained in a calm voice.
"Ah that's nice; well I'm just going to be with Andrew." I said then quickly left.
Author's note:
Hello my fellow readers!
I hope you liked this chapter, and I have good news......
I will be updating more frequently as of next week.(every weekend)but it can be either of my stories
Till next time!!!
P.s: on top is a pic of Andrew's outfit
The picture does not belong to me, it belongs to its respective owners

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