Kind of Freaks (a fantastic foursome fanfic)

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Hey guys :) this is the first chapter of Kind of Freaks. Keep reading, I promise it gets a lot better!

My first class was The History of Mutant and I stood in front of the heavy wooden door, shaking.I've never really had the chance to meet any other mutant, so I was kind of freaked out. I was picturing a bunch of monsters sitting in a classroom, with blue skin or four hands, like I've seen in a movie once. Yeah, I sure looked normal, until I change…

Never mind that. I promised myself I won't be changing in here, at least not where people can see me. I wished I could control my changing like Professor X said I could. But I just can't.

"Aren’t you getting inside?" I heard a woman's voice behind me and I turned around and faced Storm, the white-haired mutant who helped me to settle in my room just a couple of minutes ago.

"Don't be afraid," she smiled kindly, "we don't bite."

She opened the door before I could say a thing. The daylight suddenly filled my eyes as I walked in the bright room that had windows instead of walls. About fifteen teenagers around my age sat in pairs behind red tables with notebooks and pencil cases on them, all watching me. The young teacher was surprised to see me just as much as I was surprised to see he had a hairy tail coming out of his pants.

"Professor Johnson," Storm said softly, "I'm sorry. This is Sophie, She's the new student."

"Oh, yes yes," the teacher mumbled. "Please do sit down Sophie. We were just talking about the great revolution in '83… Here next to Dan is just fine. Come here."

I walked awkwardly to the second row and sat next to the black haired guy who appeared to be Dan. He looked so normal, so much more than I've expected him to be. He wore regular cloths and except for his emo-wannabe haircut, nothing about him seemed irregular.

"Umm, sorry but… Can you show me where the dining hall is? I'm kind of lost."

"Yeah, sure!" The small girl smiled wildly at me. I knew I've picked wisely the girl I asked. Even from a far she looked friendly and helpful, and I could see she was the kind of girl people are drawn to because of her loveliness. Only when I approached did I noticed she was chatting with Dan, but it was too late to back down.

"It's right there if you go up the stairs… Actually, we're heading there right now, why don't you come with us?" I couldn't be more relieved to find some friendly gesture in this place I was so afraid of.

"That would be great, thank you." I said honestly. "I'm Sophie, by the way."

"Alice," she said as we were walking up the staircase. "And this one here is Dan." She said, patting lightly on his shoulder.

"Hi," he managed. I smiled weakly at him.

Alice opened another pair of heavy wooden doors and I found myself in the middle of an enormous dining hall with about a hundred kids in it, eating and chatting. I was paralyzed for a good five seconds before Alice called up to me.

"Come on, Sophie, meet the gang!"     

They were six. Dan and Phil, both with matching emo-like black hair and similar taste in clothing, only Phil had those big wide blue eyes; Alice, who had a long wavy light-brown hair and a smile that never left her face; and Grace, the slightly taller girl with the chocolate colored skin that I remembered from my first class. She appeared to have something with Dan but I doubt anything was official between them or even talked about. Anyway they had two other gangsters (well Alice got a bit carried away with this gang stuff) who were named PJ and Chris, but they appeared to have missed dinner from an unknown reason.

I felt really good after dinner, grateful I've met some friends on my first day here – nothing, obviously, wouldn't have happened without Alice's friendliness. As Grace and Dan seemed a bit shy towards me at dinner, Phil was eager to befriend with me, and I couldn't have been happier about that.

Also I've been really relieved that nobody had asked my about my mutant power. I knew I couldn't get away with it forever but I was glad I could delay it.

I went to bed reviewing our dinner and noticing the fact that nobody brought up the word "mutant" even once, and smiling with the certainty that I could live my regular teenage life here, feeling more normal than I'll ever feel.     

 Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter, and vote and comment as well! Thanks for reading :)

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