Chapter Two

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The next morning the mutant thing came up, but not the way I've expected it to happen.

We were eating breakfast, just the girls, because the boys had gym class this morning so they had to eat earlier in the morning. So as we sat there and chatted, Grace said something about the science test they've had earlier that week. As they were discussing the answers, Alice found out that she was wrong on a certain question and then her eyes became distant and she started breathing ten times quicker.

"Fuck, fuck!" Grace shouted then, gripping Alice's shoulders tight and rocking her back and forth. "Allie! Alice, look at me! You can't do this, please Allie!"

Then when a crowd of students started gathering around us, she held a glass of water and quickly spilled the cool water on her face.

Sure enough, Alice's face came back to normal, leaving her trance spooky expression in my mind only. She breathed heavily and was completely wet, yet she didn't seem at all confused or out of place. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" She kept whispering as Grace hugged her tightly.

Alice was taken to the infirmary right after that, so Grace escorted me to my first class for the morning, Biology and Mutanity, at the far edge of the campus.

"You're wondering what was it back there, aren't you?" She smiled weakly at me.

"I had been thinking about that, yeah…" I admitted sheepishly.

"Well, um, it's about Allie's mutanity, you see…" She said as we passed the basketball court on our way to the laboratories. "She has this powerful way of manipulating the time. She can, um, travel through time and change it."

My head ached. A time traveler? Alice?

"But this power… It's stronger than her. It controls her, and it's really dangerous for her to use her power because is can easily take over her, It can hurt her, or, um, worse than that."

I said nothing for a long time. A "fuck" seemed a bit rude, a "wow" a bit stupid. So I kept quiet until we reached the laboratories and I snacked in, whispering a "thank you" to Grace as she turned and headed to her own class.

I sat alone in B&M class because I couldn't find a friendly face in the crowd and I was doing just fine thinking about Alice in breakfast and not listening at all to what Professor X, our teacher, had been saying, when he decided we'll go out for some kind of a lecture outside. The whole class was leaving until I was practically the only one there, trying to hurry my bag-packing and get out. In my hurry I stood up with my bag on one shoulder and my notebooks occupying my hands, and accidently bumped my waist into a small desk and stumbled forward so my head got hit by the nearest wall.

 It changed, as I knew it would. My body always turns to metal when I get hit by something, it was nothing unusual. I was quite relieved that nobody had seen me change, but when I lifted my head I saw somebody staring right at me.


I was hoping for a moment that he didn't notice but I could see his big green eyes widen up as the back of my head turned from the shining metal it had just been back to my normal curly-haired head as I stepped away from the wall, like nothing had ever happened.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled. He was tall with black hair and those green eyes, greener than everything.

"No, um, I'm sorry," he mumbled back with an extremely deep voice, a bit panicked. "Just- the Professor told me to stay so you won't get lost; I mean-"

"It's okay." I said and cleaned my throat quietly. I tightened my grip of my bag and gently pushed the desk to its place. Then we stepped out of the classroom, and I felt like this awkward silence was about to kill me.

"I'm Sophie."

He looked somewhat relieved. "Ah, um, Phil told me about you."

"Yeah, I met him yesterday."

"I'm PJ," he said

I always felt like the socially awkward one around people I don't know, but that day PJ looked really uncomfortable, panicked even. I'd guess it was because of my power and not because he was paralyzed by my beauty or anything.

We remained awkwardly silent, not quite looking at each other until we reached the class and began our nature lecture, which was- needless to say- awfully boring.

But when the bell rang and we had to switch classes, I knew I had only one chance.

"Hey, PJ?" I called, half running to catch up with him on the way back from the laboratories.

"Yeah?" He looked puzzled from the fact that I talked to him.

"Could you, um, not tell the others about what happened in the class earlier? I mean – "

"No, it's okay. I won't. Promise. Your secret's safe with me." He half-grinned at me, looking quite relieved from some reason, and I was certain he'll keep his promise.


Thanks for reading! I'm not really sure whether I should keep the story on Wattpad and if I should keep updating, so comment and vote so I'll know you liked it!

That's it, really. 

*winks* Byeeeeeeee

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