t w o - street lights

186 9 5

Tossing and turning, Chiaki Nanami was unable to sleep throughout the night. The pink-haired girl would switch between thinking about the note, playing on her DS, or attempting to sleep.

Chiaki rolled over to look at the clock. 5:57 am. The gamer closed her eyes with a sigh. She then proceeded to get up from the bed and yank out her IV that was implanted into her elbow crease.

Wincing at the pain, Chiaki tiptoed out of the room, carrying the note in hand.

The hallway was eerie, as memories of past violences that had occurred here made their way into her head. The gamer brushed the thoughts away, focusing on what's around her. What if this note is just a suicide mission? Is there someone waiting to end her life? Hopefully not.

The street lights flickered once or twice as Chiaki Nanami made her way outside of the Hospital and towards the Old Lodge.

Chiaki wasn't scared, but she was the least bit suspicious. The pink-haired girl crept up the stairs of the lodge, and quickly took a glance around to see if anyone was following her before entering the building.

She took a few steps into the office, before she heard the door slam shut. Chiaki whipped around to see who had shut it, but she couldn't see them. She couldn't even see at all. The street lights were her only source of light inside the building, and now with the door shut, she couldn't find her way to the light switch.

Without making a sound, Chiaki held her hands out infront of her, and began feeling up and down the wall in search for the light switch. Suddenly, the wall felt.. Different. Warm, almost. She continued feeling around the wall, when all of a sudden she heard a laugh.

The lights came on in the room. It took Chiaki a second for her eyes to focus and then for her to realize that what she was touching was not the wall, but the stomach/chest area of Komaeda Nagito.

The short-haired girl was a bit flustered, a light pink dusting her cheeks.

"I assumed you wouldn't come! Ah.. How blessed I am to be in the presence of a Ultimate like yourself.." The white-haired boy rambled on. "How truly generous you are to waste your precious time talking to someone as low as myself.."

"Komaeda-kun.. You're the one who invited me here..?" Chiaki tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, that would be correct. I wanted to discuss something with you." Komaeda smiled down at the gamer.

Chiaki realized that her hands were still planted on Komaeda. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to-"

The boy chuckled. "It's fine Nanami-san..! It's my fault that I was in the way of your hands." Komaeda reassured her. "Nanami-san.. You look awfully tired. Oh how completely ignorant I am to cause you to wake so early.."

"It's not you; I couldn't sleep." The gamer yawned.

"Hm? That's nothing like you at all." Komaeda looked away. "I should probably tell you why I invited you here in the first place.."

Chiaki watched him in response.

"I'm sorry- I mean.. I apologize..
If you even want someone like me saying those words to someone like you.." Komaeda hugged himself, his face covered by a shadow.

"Why?" Chiaki was certainly confused.

"I caused you to die." Komaeda blurted out, Chiaki could hear his voice staggering. "When I found out the rest of us were remnants of despair, I wanted to execute us all. Everyone except the traitor, which was you. But, having my bipolar luck, I managed to kill the only person I didn't want to. And seeming that both of us were dead, I couldn't apologize." He said with almost a forced chuckle.

Chiaki didn't say anything, she just sort of stared.

Komaeda was propped up against the wall, using his foot to support him. He got off of the wall, and began walking towards the exit.

"Ah, trash like me shouldn't be in the presence of someone so superior for very long.. I suppose I just wanted to say my apologies." The boy spoke softly, returning to his normal, self-deprecating demeanor.

"Wait-" Chiaki grabbed his wrist, preventing him from leaving. His hands were cold and almost clammy.

Komaeda turned to face her. "Hm? What is-" The gamer cut the boy off with a hug.

Komaeda stared down, his mouth agape. He hadn't had any physical contact like this since he was young.

"Wh.. Nanami-san, why are you..?" Komaeda managed to utter out.

"Thank you." The gamer murmured.

Komaeda felt weak in the arms of her. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't worth it, that she shouldn't waste her affection on trash such as himself. But he couldn't. He couldn't push her away, he wouldn't do that anyways.

"I-.. You're welcome, Nanami-san.." Komaeda wrapped his arms around her as well.

S.O.S (KomaNami Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant