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Robert walked around the nightclub in search one person, Thomas fucking Muller. The German had promised tonight would have been a night for them to enjoy drinking, dancing, and probably end up hooking with random women.

But yet again, Thomas managed to lose Robert leave him alone.

He's either trying to get a girl, having drinks with a girl, or leaving the club with a girl. After months, Robert learned the ways of his good friend. Not that the Pole complained, because he himself was probably the same way or worse than Thomas.

In all Robert slept with a different girl every weekend. It was horrible to he couldn't help their attraction to him. And he couldn't help being such a womanizer. There wasn't a girl he knew that wasn't interested in him. He almost felt like a god-and not just because his teammates told him that almost everyday when he arrived at practice with a new girl on his mind.

But then there were people like Manuel Neuer who didn't agree with Robert's way of life and prayed that he didn't catch any sort of disease. He believed it was time to settle down, but Robert was too hyped up to be put down. Robert brushed off the negative thoughts and started making his way to the bar to get a drink. He flashed a smile to everyone that crossed his way.

"Hi there, Lewandowski isn't it?" A nice girl with long blonde hair and big brown eyes.

Immediately, he was attracted. Smoothly his arm slid around her waist and he began talking to her, in her ear. The blonde wore a tiny red dress, with loads of makeup. He could obviously tell she was one of those, as Thomas referred to them, fame whores.

The ones who did everything and everyone to get public attention and maybe even money from it also. Robert dealt with lots of those, which is usually why whenever he took a girl home he made sure to never take them to his apartment, there was always a hotel room they would go to.

He learned the girl's name, Katherine. It had happened before that he moaned another name instead of the correct one. Not that they ever said anything, they didn't care.

"I've admired you since forever. You're amazing," She kept saying. The Pole just nodded to whatever she said. "Like you're a god Robert. Dort-I mean Bayern's best."

Robert laughed seeing she was about to refer to Borussia Dortmund. Obviously she didn't know anything about football. Robert didn't care, all he really wanted was sex. She seemed like it would be good, his type.

"Okay, why don't we get out of here." He muttered. Her eyes lit up and nodded as they began to make their way to the exit.

She clung onto his arm as the walked through the drunk dancers, and couples making out. Robert's eyes directed themselves to the girl who was just walking in the club. First his eyes landed on her body and slowly the went up.

She wasn't the curvy type, also called 'thick' girls these days. She was skinny, with the body of a supermodel. The red lipstick on her lips stood out when you saw here. She was breathtaking.

If it wasn't for the skimpy blonde next to him, he would've probably let her go and went to chase the brunette. But knowing her, she would follow him the entire night until he went home with her. He let her go, hoping that he would find her soon again.

But for now she just remained his fantasy, a fantasy with bright red lips.

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