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     "Harry, I can't do this anymore. I'm going crazy right now, I thought you loved me." The tears start to fall from Pandora's eyes. "I do love you, how could you think I wouldn't?" Harry's eyes are rimmed with tears that are about to spill over. "If your idea of loving me is sleeping around while we were together then I would honestly hate to see what your idea of  hating someone is." By this point, the first of Harry's tears are starting to fall. "W-what do you mean 'were'?" "I mean we're through. Harry, this hurts me too, but I can't and won't continue to see you if I can't trust you." She turns to walk away but stops when she hears Harry calling her by the nickname that only he can call her. "Panda bear, please don't leave me." She turns to face him and he takes a step forward and reaches for her hand. "Don't call me that anymore. Please, don't speak to me anymore, it'll only make the pain worse." He drops his hand in defeat and she turns and quickly walks out the door as the tears continue to stream down her face. Harry falls to his knees, finally realizing that he just lost the best thing to ever happen to him because of his stupidity.

     Harry spent the next few months trying to forget her. He slept around and drank occasionally to see if that helped, but it never did. He never once showed his friends how torn up he was over her, knowing very well they wouldn't let him live it. Putting this mask on drained him, he was constantly tired and didn't go out unless his friends invited him. Harry would often times find his thoughts drifting to her at the worst times, only making the pain he already felt ten times worse. Harry didn't think he'd be able to find someone to love like he did her until he met Rosalie and his world became bright once again.

     Although it didn't take Pandora quite as long as Harry to get over things, her pain was much worse. On top of having the pain from the breakup, she had to deal with the pain of knowing he wasn't faithful to her, and this broke her heart into a million little pieces. She cried herself to sleep for two weeks straight. Her friends and family wanted to help but didn't know how. They thought bringing it up around her would send her crazy and cause her to have a breakdown. They couldn't stand seeing her like that. With walls built up high, Pandora moved on not trusting anyone but her parents and closest friends. Her trust issues ruined so many good opportunities, and it was all caused by her first love who broke her heart.

     Both left for America in hopes of forgetting the other completely, but fate has a funny way of showing you who you're meant to be with.


HEY!!! :) What did you think of the prologue?? I just want to say I think every chapter will be in either Harry or Pandora's POV only (except the prologue which was easier to write in third person) and if I ever decide to change POVs in the middle of a chapter then I will obviously let you guys know. BTW I will try to have weekly updates with this but if not then its because I've got another story in the works that hasn't been updated in forever (oops) that I'm trying to work on so be patient if I don't update every week. Anyway, this author's note is getting a little too long for me but feedback is welcome and very much appreciated. BYE!!! :)

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