Chapter One~Pandora

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*5 years later*

     "I'm done with you," I say with tears running down my cheeks. I turn to walk out the door but am stopped by somebody's hand grabbing my wrist. "Don't go." I turn to face the curly haired boy. I try pulling away but am forced against the door with my hands held firmly above my head. The curly haired boy is right in my face, looking into my eyes with his glossy ones. "Please don't go, I......"

     I sit up in a cold sweat. I've been having this same dream for days and it always ends before the man can finish his second sentence. I also can't seem to shake the feeling that I know him from somewhere. Glancing to my left, I see my fiancee still sleeping peacefully. I flop back on my pillow and roll to face the wall, quickly glancing at the clock which reads 3:37. After shutting my eyes, it doesn't take long for sleep to overcome me again.


     I flutter my eyes open to be met by the grinning face of my fiancee Brayden. "Good morning beautiful." I flush at his words. "Care for some breakfast Panda Bear?" I nod as a big smile crosses my face, I just love that nickname.

     "You do realize you look extremely gorgeous when you're just waking up." I stumble over to Brayden and lay my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I know," I laugh slightly. "Beautiful and conceited, I love it," he chuckles along. "Well I love you too, even if you're not gorgeous like me," I say in my best snobby voice. "I'm offended by that," he laughs and flips a pancake. "I still love you honey," I remark, ruffling his hair.

     "You have got to teach me to cook like this," I say with a mouthful of food. "Lovely manners you got there dear." I finish chewing my food before nodding and laughing. Panda, I hope you know that its the little quirks you have that make me love you more and more each day." "Everybody loves me, I mean how could they not. I'm freaking awesome," I say smiling sweetly. Brayden rolls his eyes before laughing. "Of course everyone loves you," he says, the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

     After cleaning up the dishes from breakfast, we decide to just spend the day relaxing and watching movies. About half way through Meet the Parents, I'm bored so I roll over onto my side to face Brayden and start poking his cheek. "May I ask why you are poking my cheek." "Because I'm bored and have nothing to do." "Well, I could give you something to do," he bites his lip. "Well as tempting as that sounds," I begin, "we agreed to wait until after we were married." He gives a fake look of disappointment as he sighs and turns his attention back on the movie.

     "Can we please watch a scary movie and order some Chinese food," I ask and bat my eyelashes at him. "Actually, let's go out to dinner and a movie." "Dressed like this," I question, gesturing to our sweatpants and t-shirts. "Yeah, why not. Its not like you're going to see anybody that you know." I contemplate the idea for a minute or so before finally agreeing. "Let's see the movie first though, I'm not very hungry right now," I insist. He nods and tosses me my phone. "Let's go," he says, practically dragging me out of the apartment.

     Deciding on a movie was a very diffcult task for us. Brayden wanted to see an action movie whereas I wanted to see a horror movie, just to have an excuse to cuddle closer to him, even though I didn't need an excuse to. Eventually deciding on a comedy, we bought our tickets and sodas. Finding seats wasn't too hard considering the theater was three quarters empty.

     "I'm bored," I whisper about halfway through the movie. "You're the one who agreed to see it when I suggested we see it." Although I can't see his face, I can tell he has a smirk on his face. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. This was going to be the longest and most boring hour of my life.

     I practically drag him out of the theater, by this point I'm completely starved and I want food, and Brayden knows I get cranky when I don't get food. "That movie was absolutely dreadful," he chuckles at my words, "Oh and let's go to TGI Friday's." That has always been one of my favorite restaurants since I moved to America. "It's a date," Brayden says. I smile and stare out the window.

     "Table for two I'm guessing," the hostess says before grabbing two menus. "Looks like she can count," I whisper to Brayden when we sit down. "Be nice," he playfully warns. I put my hands up in mock surrender. "Hello, I'm Adriana and I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink," she smiles politely before pulling out her pad and pen. I look to Brayden to answer, considering he already knows what I want. "A water and a sweet tea please." "I'll be right back with those," she says scribbling the order down in her notepad before walking away.

     As I sit and wait for our drinks to arrive, I begin to watch the people walking through the door. I have always been a people watcher, its one of my bad habits. I watch as a family of five, all three children looking to be under the age of five, walk out the door. I can't wait to have my own family. I notice the doors open once again, this time a couple with no children walks through. I have that curly hair somewhere before, but where? My eyebrows scrunch together as I ponder the idea in my head and I hear Brayden snicker. I've got it, thats the guy in my dream...nightmare things, but why is a complete stranger in my dreams.

     As the couple wait to be seated, the curly haired boy scans the room. When his eyes meet mine, they widen in shock as the painful memories come flooding back to me. Him. It was him who broke my heart and caused me to lose my trust in pretty much everyone. I cried myself to sleep for two weeks because of him. I feel a tear fall down my cheek at the return of the memories i thought I had buried long ago. I thought they never would return.

     "Babe, why are you crying," Brayden asks, following my gaze. He won't understand though, I never told him about Harry and I, the memories were and still are painful. Instead of answering, I stand from the table and rush outside. I feel Harry's gaze on me as I rush past. Before the door closes, I hear, "Harbear, do you know why she ran out crying after she looked at you?" My heart breaks a little and more tears find their way out of my eyes at the use of the nickname. We had promised each other that we would be the only people to call each other by our special nicknames. He was my Harbear and I was his Panda Bear, but all that changed when he broke my heart.

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